Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Tuesday September 20, 2005

I felt pretty silly today.  I told you that Doyle and I are preparing ourselves spiritually for a Presbytery service in October. As candidates we were asked do some type of fast and praying at least 15 minutes a day for that event. I had been struggling with the fasting issue and taking time to be with God. I can’t seem to find a place at home that I’m not interrupted unless I get up at the crack of dawn or stay up later than everyone else. If it’s not the people at my house, it’s the animals clamoring for my attention. So today I made up my mind that before I left work I would go next door to the sanctuary. Well I look at my clock and began to shut down my computer called Doyle to tell him what I was going to do and locked the front door of the church. Pastor hadn’t made it in yet. I went to the church and began praying when I heard a car door shut and the sound of a horn as someone made sure their vehicle was locked. I looked out the window to see it was my pastor. I looked at my watch and it was only 11:45am! Earlier I thought it said 12:30! I quickly ran back over to the office. Pastor had already come in. I began explaining what happened. I felt so silly! He didn’t mind. I was the one who was horrified that I had misread the time! Anyway, I finished up in the office again and went back to the sanctuary to finish were I left off with God. It was a good time. After I got through I decided I needed to talk to my pastor’s wife. I wanted her to pray for me. She is the intern Administrator for our Christian school. She spent some time encouraging me and praying for me. I definitely felt better about things after I left.

Fixed supper tonight since I had Praise Team Practice. Fixed a casserole dish that I got from my mother-in-law called Tomato Beef Casserole. It’s basically macaroni, ground beef with whole canned tomatoes and velveeta cheese. I also fixed English Peas and Greenbeans (Keannon doesn’t like peas), salad and hot rolls. It’s a very easy dish to fix. In fact I don’t even put it in the oven but fix it on to of the stove.

At practice we didn’t learn anything new. Worked on the last two or three songs we have learned to get them a little better polished instrumentally and vocally. The songs we worked on are Beautiful One, On My Lips and Overtaken.

Got home about 8:30pm. Doyle wanted to go to Walmart to get stuff for the Men’s Retreat this weekend. We spent 2 hours! He was getting things for the team building exercises they will be doing and some give away items. He only has today and tomorrow to finish up any loose ends as he is on duty on Thursday.

He and those who like to play golf will leave early Friday morning to play a game   before going on to the retreat site.

Looks like Rita could be a very serious threat to my neck of the woods. I'm going to call my mother again tomorrow to urge her to come up here. Vanessa evidently just heard the news about Rita and called me almost in a panic asking if I had talked to Grandma. I said "Yes". She said "Is she coming up here." I said "No". She said "why not?" I said "because it's too early". She said "Well, she doesn't need to wait until the last minute!" I told her I would call tomorrow and if she wasn't coming, I'd talk to my brother who could convince her better than me and then I told her or you can call her". She just might do it for her grandaughter!

My mother actually lives north of Houston but as far as I'm concerned after what I saw Katrina do she's too close to the ocean. Houston is only about 90 miles from the gulf.

So if you're reading this Mom take a hint and GET OUT OF DODGE! So you burn a few vacation days big deal! You're more important than money!

Okay enough of that. I need to quit for the night and get to bed.

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