Friday, September 16, 2005

Friday September 16, 2005

 The weather gave us a sampling of what we can look forward to when fall finally does arrive. It was upper 60’s this morning and stayed overcast  and in the 80’s most of the day. The clouds did break around mid afternoon and I think we did hit 90 but it was pleasant before that.

Decided I felt like a Subway sandwich for lunch and needed to return some bras I bought a month ago from our Factory outlet store. I should have tried them on in the store but I was a wuss and waited until I got home. Of course, they didn’t fit. I’m just now getting around to taking them back. The Subway is nearly next door to the outlet mall. While I was there I saw my veterinarian and his family. I also saw one of my cell members who works there now. Ate my sandwich (which was chicken bacon ranch on a 6 inch honey oat wheat bread toasted with lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach, black olives topped with chipolte dressing um um good!)  Went to the outlet mall

Did the “grocery run” today. I’m sure most of ya’ll know that means not only edible items but also household so that meant a trip to our new Super Center Walmart. It took me 2 ½ hours to shop! You’d of thought I was living in the days when you only came to town once a month in the covered wagon to be your supplies the way I bought today! I was determined though to keep everything in one buggy! It’s one thing to get it in there the first time. It’s a whole other thing to take everything out to be scanned and bagged and put back in the buggy! By golly I did it though! I didn’t buy milk there as I knew I could get it 20 scents cheaper at the CVS just down the road from Walmart on my way home. I also didn't buy eggs there as I had been buying my eggs much cheaper at Braum’s which is also on my way home. Well, not today they weren’t cheaper! They went up almost 30 scents from when I bought them last time! So I paid about 12 scents more a dozen than I would have at Walmart but I wasn’t going to turn around and go back! I’ll know next time.

That always seems to happen to me. Just when I think I can save a little money…I get proved wrong! Sometimes it’s just not worth it to “shop around”.

Now I not only put all that stuff in my basket and put my stuff in the basket again after the cashier scanned and bagged it but I had to load it into my truck. Thankfully this very nice young man asked if I needed help (the ole’ “Miss Independent, I-can-do-it-myself”) said “if you want to” (Am I out of my mind! – probably- this pride has got to die!) He said “sure”. So he helped me finish putting bags in the truck. Now I still have to go home and unload everything….carry it into the house and then find some place to put it! Why didn’t I do this on a day that Doyle was home and could help? What was I thinking? Well, I was thinking I got paid today and I didn’t want to do it on Saturday when everyone else goes shopping!

Well, I get home and let the dogs out and proceed to carry in my purchases. I must have made a gazillion trips! (Maybe a slight exaggeration – but it FELT LIKE IT!) I finally get everything inside. Now to put it away. UGH! I was pooped by the time I was through! I finished in time to iron a shirt for Keannon so he and Vanessa could go somewhere and then I was off again to go watch my nephew play football.

Great night for football. It actually got just cool enough I needed something on my shoulders to keep me from chilling. It was a rather lopsided game. Our team won 59 – 24. Got a chance to visit a little with my brother and sister-in-law. My brother was filming the game so I only got to talk to him at half time and after the game. My niece is the school mascot. I just found that out tonight. She did real good. They are the Perrin Pirates. She wears this huge pirate head! Found out my brother and family are making plans to go see Dad over Thanksgiving. I was kind of thinking maybe around Christmas or even when he is ready to have surgery again. I need to tell Doyle and get his input. Thanksgiving would probably be better. Then, I'm not sure if all of us being there at once is a good idea. There's 5 in my brother's family and I figure this time Keannon and Doyle will be on this trip which makes 4 of us. Nine people is a lot extra to have. Again I have this "dog problem" what do I do with them. I wouldn't mind kenneling Kaidence (the blue heeler) but Mercy (the great dane) is a whole other issue. Not to mention the cost of them being kenneled. Sorry ya'll, I'm thinking out loud. I'll move on.

Excerpt from my journal November 2003

Dad, why has my desire for praying for others, for this city, for my family diminished? I've asked You to give me a heart of intercession. I've asked you to break my heart for the people. I've asked You to let me see what You see, feel what You feel, hear what You hear but it seems that the opposite has happened. It seems as though you haven't answered my prayer and that's contrary to what I believe about You. That You hear and You answer, so what's up? Is the problem me? I know the problem isn't You. Is there something in my life keeping me from receiving Your answer? I've even asked You to make me hungry and thirsty for You. Make Me desperate for You but that doesn't seem to be either. Am I actually in a "waiting mode"? Am I to do anything different? I'm trying to seek You the only way I know how so if there's another way I should be seeking You I'm all ears.

Oh, Little One. Precious delightful adorable Little One. Lighten up! Why do you put so much pressure on yourself? I know the you?

Well, I guess it's because I want to "get it right". I don't want to miss You. I'm so afraid of missing what You have for me. I'm afraid I can do something to keep myself from going farther with You.

Do you realize what you have just said?

There's a lot of "I's" in there. I guess that does sound a little silly that little ole' me could stop God Almighty from accomplishing His plan in me.

Ya. If it were up to you, yes, you could miss it. But it's not up to you. It's up to Me and I think I'm up for the task. Your biggest enemy right now is "fear". Fear of failure, fear of disappointment, fear of rejection, fear of abandonment, fear of lack, fear of conflict...lots of fear. Bring it to me Little One. Give it to Me and after you give it to Me, trust Me. Quit thinking about it. When you think about it, remind yourself and your enemy, Who you gave it to. I cause the sun to rise every morning and set every evening. This is not hard for Me.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. Proverbs 3:5-8 NIV

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