Friday, September 9, 2005

Friday September 09, 2005

My daughter (Vanessa) is really having a hard time of it. About a week ago someone we know pulled out in front of her from a side street. It didn’t cause major damage. Bent the front bumper, broke the framing for the headlight. It could have been much worse. She was so upset. She just got her truck in July! She didn’t call the police because we know the woman really well and she didn’t want her to get a ticket. Vanessa went to school with her daughter and son. Vanessa goes and gets estimates on her truck. For what seemed like minimal damage is going to cost 1,500 to fix. Well, we get a phone call from the husband. He wants Vanessa to considered getting used parts and letting someone he knows fix it! Vanessa is like “No way!” We of course agreed with her. She takes it in Tuesday to get it fixed. When she arrives the repair guy asks her if she knows this guy. He had already called trying to find a cheaper way to fix her truck! Well, she calls today to see if her truck is ready. It seems that these people are going to file on their insurance after all and her truck has been sitting in the body shop for three days waiting to get approval from the insurance to begin. So she picked it up today until the insurances says it will pay. Later today she was on the way to the bank and was stopped at a traffic light. She saw the light turn green so she proceeded forward but the car in front of her didn’t. Yep, she hit her. The lady was driving a Volvo. The turned onto a side street and stopped. The lady’s kids got out of the car saying “you bad lady. You hit my mommy”. Vanessa gave the lady her information but she was so upset that she didn’t get the other woman’s info before she left. Vanessa was beside herself. She called her dad then she called me. It was obvious she was upset. She asked me where I was. I said “what’s wrong”. She said “I’m okay but I hit a lady and it’s all my fault”. She just boohooed! I asked her where she was and then told her I’d be right there. Doyle told her to call the police. There really isn’t anything that can be done since the police weren’t call initially to make a report. Within 2 hours this lady had already contacted our insurance company and they in turn called Vanessa! She didn’t waste any time. Vanessa said the only thing she could see that happened was there was black on the other car’s bumper from Vanessa’s bumper. The woman is saying it affected her rear door too! I don’t think so. Vanessa would have had to hit her really hard for that to happen. Anyway, our insurance said they would be sending a representative to examine what damage the other car received. Would ya’ll just be praying about this whole situation. This has really been hard on Vanessa.

 I went out to my favorite restaurant to see my friend Nancy. There was a big home football game tonight and I thought it would be slow at the restaurant. Boy was I wrong. They were swamped. I went ahead and ate while I was there but Nancy was way too busy to visit with me so I ate alone (are you feeling sorry for me yet?)! After I get home my sister-in-law shows up around 9pm. She has come to borrow my truck to move her son’s furniture. He’s attending UT in Austin and needs some thing moved out of storage. She will head out tomorrow to Austin (about a 4 hr drive south). Back to Plano (which is 2 hrs from here east). She said she’ll probably bring the truck back on Sunday.

Excerpt from my journal March 2001


You are awesome. There is none like You. I’m glad you’re my Dad.


And I am pleased to have you as My Daughter. You bring such joy to My heart oh, Precious One.


Daddy, You say the sweetest things.


Nothing is too good for My Girl! I never say anything but good about you.


Thank You, Daddy. I’m trying to grasp that. I do want to know You more. Be more Like You, love like You. I want more, make me more hungry but give me more.


More you shall have. You have been persistent. Do not stop. Keep pressing in. The blessing is very near.


What blessing? Lots of things are blessings. Do you mean something specific?


Yes. Exceedingly abundantly above all that you could ask or think.


Are You talking about money or something else?




Can I ask when?




Please forgive me but “Your soon” and “my soon” usually mean totally different things.


It’s between. It’s a lot closer than you thing. Don’t worry so much about the “when” and focus on Me. Believe Me. Stand on your faith and declare to the enemy what I have promised to you and declare you believe it. Confess it with your mouth. Then you will believe in your heart. That’s how head knowledge becomes heart knowledge.


Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Proverbs 18:21

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