Monday, September 19, 2005

Monday September 19, 2005

I had to go to a planning meeting for an upcoming baby shower. I dislike being a part of those things so bad! But this shower is for my dear friend’s daughter-in-law so felt like I needed to be a part. I avoid these things at all cost! I don’t know why I dislike them so bad but I do. Them and wedding showers…any kind of showers! I don’t mind doing whatever you ask me but don’t ask me to plan and decorate for it!

Saw the weather forecast at 5pm and noticed that there are two more systems one a hurricane and one a tropical storm. The hurricane will probably not affect land but the tropical storm is expected to intensify and become a hurricane possibly by tonight. They are calling it “Rita”. If it stays on the predicted path it could hit the Texas coast. Of course it is still too early to tell but my mother lives in Houston which will be in the path of Rita. I called her today and asked if she had a plan of action. I think she thought I was kidding and said “yeah, I’m going to stay here.” I said “You’re only a 100 miles from the coast. Didn’t you see what Katrina did?” She then reassured me that she was watching the weather. I don’t want anyone to get damage but we could sure use the rain it could bring! We are behind 8 to 10 inches for the year.

Excerpt from my journal February 2002


Show me Your ways


My ways I will make known to you. You have asked a good thing. And I am honored to answer your request. Oh, My Daughter, how I love you. How I long for you to embrace My love and one day you will but first there is much needed surgery to heal the wounds that keep you from trusting, from believing the depth of My love. It’s a well that I placed in you at the time of your creation. The hurts in your life, from sin in you, in others has slowly but gradually filled up your well until it was stopped but his well I’ve placed in you is not filled by outward sources. It is filled form within. From an underground spring, the spring of life, My spirit in you. The surgery, the construction will open the well so others can drink from the clear, cool, sweet, life-giving water. I will cause the underground spring to flow more. The pressure from this life giving water will force out what has kept it stopped up and it will flow out touching many. You will not even be aware of all who are affected by the living water that flows from you. The flow can be stopped. Keep your heart soft and pliable before Me. Don’t forget who formed you or where the spring came from. Or who built the well and you will do even greater works than these. Come closer My Beloved. I long for you so much that I ache. I groan within to be near you. Do not fear. Embrace My presence. You are so beautiful to Me, so lovely.


Oh, Daddy, thank You. Thank You so much. I love You and I want You. I’m ready. Do what You need to do. I’m  Yours.

Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him. John 7:38 NIV

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