Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Tuesday August 09, 2005

I was debating about what to write today. Sometimes I feel like some of you. What could possibly be exciting about my life that you would want to know about. It was just an ordinary day. I woke up. Spent some time in my Believing God Bible Study…got dressed for work. Went by the post office and picked up the church’s mail. Drove to the office. Checked email, worked on the bulletin (I do the bulletin every week. Now I don’t use those kind that the front is already made like some churches do. I created the entire thing. I made a front that the info stays the same such as our church logo, services times, church office hours, ways to contact us, etc. and the bottom that explains our childcare and the way we collect our tithes. We do not pass a plate for the offering but have what we call tithe boxes at the back of the sanctuary. We feel that doing it this way takes the pressure off of giving out of the place of guilt. Remember how you have felt when a plate is passed to you and you either don’t have the money or don’t want to give yet you feel obligated? It also keeps busy bodies from knowing how much you are giving. It seems to work very well for us anyway.

How did I get off on all that? I also change the inside and back which has announcements, prayer requests and cell group information (our home groups)

I only work from 9AM to 12 or 12:30PM. Doyle called me to see if I wanted to do lunch. I always want to do lunch I just hate having to decide where to go! He hates it as bad as me because he eats out every third day when he is on duty at the fire station. So you ask "why do you eat out then" well because he doesn't want to eat a sandwich and I don't want to cook! Contrary to stories you may have heard about fireman doing the cooking, our department is so stretched personnel wise (2 people at each station and there are two) that it’s difficult for them to actually cook a meal so they eat out most of the time. In a town our size if you eat out very often you begin to run out of options. It’s either Mexican, Italian, or cafĂ© style if you want restaurant food. Burgers, chicken, sandwiches and Mexican if you want fast food. In a town of 15, 000 we have 5 Mexican food restaurants! Three of those are Tex-Mex the others are authentic. We have no steak house, no BBQ, no fish! I really miss having a place to get a really good steak! We recently saw in our local newspaper that we will be getting a Wendy’s, Chili’s and a Walgreen’s. I know you can’t eat at Walgreen’s at least I don’t think so! It will be nice just to have something different. Our SuperCenter Walmart should open in a couple of weeks. That’s a big deal for us! No more driving 20 miles to get to one! Yahoo! I have mixed feelings though as I realize that with SuperCenter opening will probably cause some local businesses to close. That makes me sad! Big isn’t always better. It’s nice to have some place to shop that you don’t have to fight for a parking place or walk a mile to get to the store or stand in line for 15 minutes to check out! Progress – rather ironic huh?!

Changes are coming to our town, like it or not. I do believe overall it will be a good thing. It will just take some getting used to. I don’t want to become one of those people who refuses to change or except change. I’ve typically had a pioneering spirit and I want to keep that. I think that will help me to stay young…at least in my mind. I know I don’t have any control over my body!

Well for someone who didn’t have anything to write about I sure used up an entire page! I decided in order to keep my frustration level down to a minimum I would type my entry in Word then copy and paste. Looks like it worked pretty good!

I have a church leadership meeting tonight so I best get off for now.

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