Tuesday, August 2, 2005

Tuesday August 02, 2005

I found out that my dad went into the hospital tonight. He was sick when we were there but evidently never got over it. He was having diarrhea and running fever. Of late his wife reports that he's beginning to lose his appetite (which is a sure sign something is wrong because he loves to eat!) He's also lacked energy and my dad has always been a real go getter. Anyway the doctor is concerned about him getting dehyrdated so he was admitted for fluids and tests. Hope to learn more tomorrow. Would ya'll pray for my dad? His name is Warren. This is the part of life I don't like is seeing people age and lose their health.

I also visited my friend Sherri who is in my home group. She is 56 yrs old and has diabetes. She has had a horrible time with her feet of late. A little over a month ago she was helping with a wedding anniversary celebration when she heard a pop in her foot. It hurt but she didn't really think anything about it. It did swell some and she went to the doctor. The diagnosis was a sprain. A few days later her leg up to her knee was swollen twice it's size. She went back to the doctor. Come to find out she had broken some bones in her foot. An infection had also developed at the site of the break. She was in the hospital a week (while I was in Missouri). The doctor wanted to do surgery to put the bones back together. He did that surgery a week ago this past Friday. When he got in there to put screws in the bone...the bone fell apart it was so brittle so he had to wire it back together. She is to be non weightbearing for 2 months! She lives alone and I figured out real quick that we're weren't going to be able to give her the care she needed so we made arrangements for the nursing home. She is doing very well. Infact I saw her today. The nice thing is she can leave and go to church so that will help. I actually think she's going to have a hard time leaving because she enjoys all the activities and having her meals prepared for her. She was telling me that there is Bingo tomorrow and Movies on Saturday night.

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