Sunday, August 14, 2005

Sunday August 14, 2005

Today was a little different. Different in a good way. Services were good this morning. The worship service ended up being very intimate and sweet. That doesn’t happen very often. Usually because we have a lot of visitors and they are not always ready to go there. I took the liberty of getting me some carpet time (got on my face before God).

After church Doyle wanted to go to Fort Worth to visit two victims of a major accident that he worked Wednesday. Let me tell you the story.

It was the worst accident that our county has seen in some time. It was a head-on collision on Hwy 281 about 6 miles south of Mineral Wells. Hwy 281 is a major highway that goes from Canada to Mexico and it runs right through downtown MW. This call came in about 5pm Wednesday afternoon. There were 2 victims and one fatality.  One of the vehicles burst into flames upon impact. Unfortunately that person did not survive. Even if emergency personnel had been there at the time of the accident there would have been nothing they could have done. The two in the other vehicle were seriously injured and required extrication from the vehicle. The fire from the other vehicle was so intense that two of Doyle’s crew risked their lives to cover the driver who was closest to the flames. The highway was blocked to allow emergency helicopters in to fly the patients to Fort Worth. Doyle was in charge of the scene. He did a great job of keeping everything calm and working smoothly. He was very proud of his guys who all three happen to be rookies.

Doyle had talked to the driver’s family to see how he was doing. Doyle decided he wanted to personally go over to see them so he invited his guys to go with him. We go over after church. It was just like what you see on TV of when the rescuees meet their rescuers. We met the parents of the driver as he is still being kept in a chemically induced coma right now. He is improving and today they began to bring him out of it to perform some tests that all proved to be good. All these young men were in there early 20’s. His passenger was a childhood friend. He had several broken bones but with surgery he should be able to go home sometime next week. We met him as well and talked with him. They were all so appreciative. The parents was the most emotional as you can imagine. We took time and prayed with them. Come to find out the young men were very adventuresome. The one more seriously injured had just got a new truck the day before and he and his buddy decided to take a road trip. They were headed to Dublin to get Dublin Dr. Pepper. If you want to learn more about Dublin Dr. Pepper go here . Anyway it was a pretty cool day.

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