Monday, July 4, 2005

Monday, 04 July 2005

Happy 4th to everyone! I've got to go to work at DriveSafe tonight. So guess I'll miss the fireworks display. Will be the first time in many years but it will be okay.

Each year there is a fireworks display at the country club on the golf course that is next to the highway coming into Mineral Wells. Directly across the street is a small factory outlet mall. The people of Mineral Wells and surrounding area come and park in the parking lot and wait for the fireworks display.

Our church has been doing an outreach to that group of people for 6 years now. We buy bottled water, put a Well of Life Church label on it with the address, service times and the scripture from John 4:14 but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life."

It's a great non-intrusive way to bless the people of the community and open doors of opportunity to pray or speak into someone's life. The first couple of years we did it people were very suspicious of our motives. They first thought we were selling it etc. But as we kept coming back each year now the people are looking for "the church that gives away water". Even though we've not seen a lot of visible fruit we do believe we are planting seeds and touching people's lives and we will eventually see a great harvest because of it.. We usually hand out between 1,500 and 2,000 bottles of water.

It's not as hot today (97) but not by much. I've stayed inside today under the A/C and finally finished my friend's scrapbook! Yippee! I am so proud of it I want to take it with me when I go to Missouri to show off! I'm not sure if I can talk my friend into letting me do that or not but I'll give it a try. I did take pics of it using a one-time use digital camera but it's hard to tell if the pic is actually able to capture my handi-work or not. Guess I'll know more when I take it in to print pics.

Well gotta go...have to be at work in 1 1/2. Hope it isn't dead tonight. Guess if it is I can work on my "Believing God" study. It is a good study but I don't think I've been totally wowed just yet. My prayer to God is that I won't just go through this bible study but that I will be changed, transformed, different because I've encountered Him in the midst of the study. Don't get me wrong, it's a good study. I'm not really sure what I'm looking for or expecting but I just so much want to be so in love with the Lord that I'm not so easily distracted by everyday things. To be so focused on Him that my everyday ordinary life exhibits the life, love, compassion of Jesus to a lost and dying world and to those who are saved but have never known what it's like to have a personal relationship with Father God. I want people to know that God is a good and loving Father and that He wants the very best for them.

There is a song we sing that the words really sum up what I feel. The song is called Passion for Jesus.

I'm calling out to you
There must be something more
Some deeper place to find
Some secret place to hide
Where I've not gone before
Where my soul is satisfied
And my sin is put to death
And I have made the choice
To listen for Your voice
As natural as a breath

The love I knew before
When You first touched my life
I need You to restore
I want You to revive

Oh, place in my heart a passion for Jesus
A hunger that seizes my passion for You
My one desire, my greatest possession
My only confession, my passion for You.

And may the peace of God which transcends all understanding,  gurad your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:7 NIV 

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