Friday, June 10, 2005

Friday June 10, 2005

Had lunch with a dear friend of mine. Then we went to check out the new coffee house that recently opened called HjO. It's kind of like a small version of Star Bucks. Pretty neat for our little town. We both had cafe lattes. Then I went by the scrapbook store as another one of my friends was working for the owner since she was going to the National Scrapbooking Convention in Arlington. Her birthday was Tuesday and was unable to make connections with her to give it to her until today. I gave her a discountinued Creative Memories Accessory Binder with extra pockets and places to store scissors and pens. Someone had actual found this binder at the Goodwill store and gave it to me. I already had a binder so I decided to give it to my friend Kelly. I had to buy her the protector pages but I didn't mind. She's worth it. She was really excited when she opened her gift.

Here is a picture of me on my horse Blue and my friend Leslie on my other horse Valentine. Riding in the Rodeo parade

Then I went home. Didn't get a bike ride in today and didn't get to ride (bummer) It was pretty hot and muggy plus storms were beginning to build. Anyway my dear sweet husband had mentioned to me he wanted to do some repair on the trailer so I brought it home. Of course I had to go visit my babies! I took some treats and fly spray. They enjoyed that.

After getting home Doyle and I cleaned out the trailer to get it ready for him to work on. He is on vacation next week and plans to work on the wiring and possibly paint it. We also pulled up the floor mats and discovered some boards need to be replaced.

I'll close with this exerpt from Believing God by Beth Moore:

Nothing on earth compares to the strength God willingly interjects into lives caught in the act of believing. Paul likens it to the stunning power God exerted when He raised His Son from the dead! You have no need that exceeds His power.

His incomparably great power for us who believe...Epesians 1:19 NIV

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