Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Tuesday, 24 January 2006

Talked to my grandmother today! She sounded pretty good! Dad had called me this morning to tell me it looked like she had stabilized and was continuing to improve. She has a long ways to go but is so much better than she was. 

Got my walk in this afternoon. Went with Doyle to the Christian School to do the painting we were going to do Sunday but couldn’t because of the rain. Went to the “card class” at the scrapbook store. It wasn’t really a card class. It is a small book. Cat was supposed to make one ahead of us. She got her kits in Friday and wasn’t able to work on hers until today. She had worked on it all day and still wasn't through! Granted she had to run the store and answer the phone but still! I went early because I had praise team practice at 7pm. In an hour’s time I only got the front cover made! UGH! It will be cute when it’s done but geez it’s a lot of work. I really wanted to learn to make cards but oh well. This is a good stretch for me. Makes me think “outside the box”! I left my project at the scrapbook store because I figure I have a better chance of completing it there than on my own. Besides I’ll need some help from Cat on what to do.

Praise Team practice was very boring tonight. We weren’t able to have practice last month because our drummer was gone. He was gone again tonight! UGH. Can’t learn new music if the drummer isn’t there! Our sound system was all out of wack so we spent and hour and 45 minutes doing a sound check. I know it was needed but it was very tedious and well, just plain boring. The guy who does our sound does the best he can but he himself says he’s not really a sound man. He’s just filling in until God brings us someone who really has a heart for it. This is a tough job because once the sound is set it doesn’t stay the same. Weather changes it and you need different levels for different people. We really need to do a sound check before every service but we generally only do it on Sunday morning.

Well, that pretty much wraps my day.


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