Thursday, January 19, 2006

Thursday, 19 January 2006

 Went to look at our first prospect in the country. I had been eyeing this place since April. I found it driving around and then looked it up on the real estate website. It’s almost 38 acres with a 4bd 2 bath. There is only one close noticeable neighbor. The house sits off the road nestled in some trees on a hill. You can’t see it from the road. It is been neglected and would take quite a bit of work to push cedar trees and have some ground for grass. It has a stock tank (pond) but it wasn’t very deep as it is already dry. Good tanks that are deep still have some water in them.

Anyway, it was way out of our price range but couldn’t help but dream big. This place is only about 4 or 5 miles from where the horses already are! So I rode over there a couple of times. I was never able to look inside as the windows had been tinted to help reduce heat from the sun (I presume). Well, it took me a month or better to get brave enough to even mention it to Doyle. He laughed. I told him I didn’t want to leave a “miracle working God” out of our search for a place. I wanted to look at all the possibilities. After all just because a price is listed doesn’t mean that is what it will sell for right?!!

I figured that Doyle going to look at this place would be a miracle in itself! The other day when we drove around looking at places we ended up over by that place. Doyle brought it up and said “wasn’t there a place over here you wanted to look at?” I told him “yes”. So miracle number one, we went and looked at it ourselves. We couldn’t go inside the house but we drove and looked around the property. A few days later Doyle once again approached me about this place and asked me to call and see if we could look inside the house. We went today.

I must say I was rather disappointed. I had somehow convinced myself this just might be “the place”! The house had actually be built onto and built around. The original structure is pretty old. All the rooms were pretty small except for the new that was added on. There is no barn and the property doesn’t have a fence on the back of the property. Two more strikes against it. The well house had a holding tank beside it indicating the well isn’t able to keep up with the demand of water. Not a good thing. We also tasted the water! Very irony and salty! Not good either. Seeing a water dispenser for bottled water should have been our first clue that the well water wasn’t all that good!

Needless to say Doyle wasn’t impressed at all and my thoughts about the place changed too upon closer inspection. I know it’s only the first place we looked at. Besides for what was being asked for the property I think we can do much better. I really liked the location and the potential of the property. I also liked the fact there weren’t a lot of neighbors around but there will be something else right?! And it will be God’s best for us. Patience is not one of my strongest virtues or gifts! Can you tell?!!

Worked tonight at Drive Safe. Some of you have asked what that is so guess I should explain. It is a video/dvd driven state approved Texas defensive driving course. Instead of sitting in a class for 6 hrs on a Saturday you can watch this in the convenience of your home and take breaks when you want to. You simply call to an 800 number and answer questions after each segment of the video. Really very easy. What I do is answer the telephone (I’m the “help desk), enter students who register into the computer, run computer checks on license plates and driver’s licenses and grade test. The grading is done by listening to their answers. It’s really kind of cool! Business has finally picked up. Monday when I got there they had been swamped all day. The lady I was relieving stayed to help me grade tests until 7pm! She’s supposed to leave when I get there at 5:30pm. When she left I still had 5 I was grading and there were 17 more that were in the computer. To add to this mix were students faxing in registrations and calling! When I finally got the 5 graded that I had and went to retrieve the 17, eight more had come in! Then the computer would print and well, it was a mess. I clocked out at 8pm like I’m supposed to but I just couldn’t leave 25 tests for the day crew to grade when there was the likelihood of there being more tests in there before morning! I forwarded the phones to the answering service and began feverishly grading tests. Now when I grade these I need to have a printout of the driver’s license and license plate. Well, I guess everyone was so busy they didn’t have time to do that because almost everyone I graded had to have an LP run! That takes precious time! I stayed until 9:15PM and still had 15 left! I decided to give it up and go home. If I got in trouble I just get in trouble. That is probably what helped to prompt them to ask me to stay until 10pm tonight. I don’t necessarily like staying longer but I like the money I make for it! I’m trying really hard to put back everything I’m making.

That was probably way more information that you wanted but there you have it!

Dad called me today to tell me they took my grandmother (his mom) to the hospital today for pneumonia. He called while I was at work to say they are going to keep her but she is doing better. She’s 91 and I keep expecting Dad to call me any day now and tell me she’s gone home to be with Jesus. But it’s not time yet.

Tomorrow I’m going to crop with my friend Teresa since the other crop got cancelled. Don’t know if I’ll post tomorrow or not. I had planned to do this because Doyle was supposed to be at the fire station today. Well, found out tonight that he took off today. Thanks for telling me! He said he didn’t mind if I wanted to go crop so will probably do that anyway.

Guess I should end this since I had more to say than I thought! Hope I didn’t bore everyone to tears!

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