Thursday, January 26, 2006

Thursday, 26 January 2006

The week is nearly over again! I can’t seem to keep up with the pace. Oh No! Does that mean I’m getting “older”! UGH! I don’t feel it to one degree but the passage of time seems to definitely go much faster than I remember!

Still not much going on. I spent yesterday holding down the sofa. Today was a little more productive though not much. Went to Drive Safe to pick up my check. I usually wait until I go to work but even though I was supposed to work this weekend I swapped so I could attend the Ladies Retreat. I went to get my hair trimmed this afternoon. It was getting too long on the top. Then I went by the feed store and bought 50lbs of rolled oats, 50lbs of Equine Senior and two bags of alfalfa cubes. I headed to the horses. I have a little extra time so decided to drive down a road I hadn’t driven in a while to see if there is anything for sale. I actually did find a place and it wasn’t listed with a local realtor. I thought I might have something. I definitely liked the location. I took down the information so I could look it up on the internet when I got home.

I get to where the horses are and as I get out to open the gate and drive through, the goats get out of their pen. That gate wasn’t latched. So herded them back into their pen. Then the heifer that my friend won in a raffle comes up because I’ve been feeding her too so she knows what I came to do. I finally coax her into the round pen so I can drive through the gate without animals getting out. Just in time too as my horses heard me coming (diesel engines are loud) and headed towards me. Geez can ya’ll just wait a minute!! I finally get through the gate without incident. I get the feed fixed and get everyone situated. I go back to the trailer to finish unloading the feed. I then go into the house to visit while the horses are eating.  I thought I would go by the scrapbookstore when I left Teresa’s but I stayed too long.

I get home and I did look up the place that was listed. It was only 6 acres. I was once again disappointed. I’ll keep looking. 

I was having a “hankerin” for something sweet tonight. So I took the plunge and made me a bowl of ice cream with pecans and since I didn’t have chocolate syrup I used Nestles Quick! Makes the best chocolate ice cream. I’m sure that was loaded with calories but it sure was good!

I finished doing my ironing. I haven’t packed for my short trip yet but should have enough time to do that after work tomorrow. The retreat is only an hour’s drive away so will leave around 3pm tomorrow afternoon and help get the conference room set up and room assignments made. We have four big rooms that house bunkbeds. We label each room as the following “Loud Room” for night owls and talkers. “Snorer’s Room” that one is self explanatory. The “Early Birds” for those who like to go to be early and get up early. And last but not least “The Quiet Room” for those who don’t talk much or just don’t like noise. So basically we have two loud rooms and two quiet rooms. Want to guess what room I usually stay in? I choose to stay in the snorers room. Not because I snore but because a lot of my friends do! My husband snores and I manage to sleep through that. The snoring rarely wakes me up but if I’m not asleep I do have trouble getting to sleep. I think I may pickup some ear plugs before I leave tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. I intend too! I’m hoping to encounter God in a very powerful way! At least that is my desire! I’ll post pics and tell you all about it later!

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