Sunday, January 29, 2006

Sunday, 29 January 2006

I'm back and the retreat was good!  Very powerful and challenging messages were given. Definitely wasn't any "feel good" stuff. A lot of TRUTH! Our speaker used the story of Abagail (1 Samuel 25). If you have never read the story before or maybe it's been a long time I encourage you to read it again. Some changes are going to have to take place with me. She spoke about being women of "dignity and strength". Inner strength that comes from knowing God intimately.

I discovered after looking over the retreat contract that I made a huge blunder. I had told them we wouldn't be eating dinner Friday night! What was I thinking?! We always eat dinner on Friday night. I called and explained my goof up. I was told the truck had already run for the cafeteria so they probably wouldn't have enough food for dinner. I'm thinking "how am I going to get a hold of 25 women to tell them to eat before they come?!! Then the Retreat Rep told me they could provide me with sandwiches in our cabin. "That's great!"

The pastor's wife loaded up the key board, music books and stand to take in her car Friday night. I realized we didn't have a microphone stand so go into the sanctuary to get it. While there I ran into the preacher's daughter who came to pick up a hand drum to take. I asked her if she was bringing her guitar. She said "yeah, but you better bring yours too!" Up until that point I hadn't planned on bringing mine.

I leave the office and had several errands to run. I had hoped to have everything done so all I had to do was pack and go but that of course didn't happen. Vanessa left me a note when she left that morning to go to the Dallas Market to take her check to the bank. Then while I was at work Keannon called me to go pickup his insurance check as he went with Vanessa to Dallas. Then I had my own banking to do! When I get to the insurance office to pickup the check for Keannon, the insurance agent wasn't there. Sorry Keannon, I tried!

I finally make it home, grab some lunch and then start loading up stuff. I didn't have all that much personal items but needed to take my Karaoke machine to use for taping the messages and my guitar.

Later that afternoon I arrive at the retreat center with two passengers. My friend Kelly and the woman Sherri who had all the foot trouble last summer. We eat our wonderful turkey and ham sandwiches on croissants with tea, chips and cookies for dessert. Not bad! We sat around and visited. We didn't plan to start until 7pm to allow women who had to work time to arrive. The guest speaker hadn't arrived yet. We were beginning to get concerned as the guest usually arrive early. She finally shows around 7:30pm. Our pastor's wife who had the key board and music books hadn't shown up either but then we knew she would be delayed in coming. Nancy, the woman over our Ladies Ministry said she wanted to get started. Well, Karen (our pastor's wife - who had the keyboard) was supposed to lead but she wasn't there yet. Perri (the pastor's daughter - who plays guitar) and I both tune up. Suzan, our other worship leader played the hand drum. None of us had any plan for where to start so Perri and I started playing a two chord progression and began singing whatever God laid on our hearts. It was really cool! All the ladies joined in singing to the Lord. I started getting some songs (bear in mind we had no music books so I was trying to remember songs I knew the chords to!) I got my com-padres attention and we were off! We had a great time worshiping the Lord. It helps when that's what everyone is gathered there to do! I just find it funny that I ended up leading worship when I almost didn't take my guitar!


My friend Kelly in the doorway to the room we slept in!





More tomorrow....good night!

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