Sunday, January 15, 2006

Sunday January 15,2006

Had a little bit of a scare on Friday as a grass fire broke out around 5 miles from where the horses are. It burned 125 acres before fire departments and the forestry service got it under control. The horses were really never in danger but it is too close to “home”.

My friend Teresa who lives where the horses are has been involved in the county livestock show all week. Her daughter shows goats and rabbits but she is trying to get a photography business started and setup a booth at the stock show taking and selling pictures. It was great exposure for her. She has sold lots of pictures and had a lady ask her to come to a photo shoot of springtime branding on a nearby ranch in April. That is just way awesome for her I think!

Saturday, Doyle worked and I slept in. Had a nagging headache all day. Think it’s all the dust and ashes I’m inhaling everyday! The day Doyle and I went to look at property I feel like I was breathing dust! I went up to check on horses. I haven’t had to feed them any hay or grain but I think I may have to start. The last several times I’ve been up there they
have coming running when they know I’m there. When there’s plenty to eat I usually have to go after them in the pasture. I gave them some grain and some alfalfa cubes. I haven’t tried to buy any hay. Hay has doubled in price around here. Lots of hay has been lost to the wildfires. I’m afraid if something doesn’t give pretty soon many of farmers and ranchers will be forced to sell everything. Our water sources are shrinking.

I went down to the tank (pond for you folks not from Texas) while the horses were eating to see how low the water is. I also took some pics while I was there. The weather reports are saying it could stay dry until April! At least the horses also have a metal water tank that we keep full of well water so if the tank does go dry I don’t have to haul water. I feel for those who have to depend on stock tanks as their only source of water. This is the fifth driest year on record and we haven’t had this dry a year since 1956! I am going to go up more often and begin to give them some grain. None of them are showing any ribs but I can tell they have lost some weight as they don't have the "grass guts" they used to have. Blue (the white horse) is the only one whose belly still sticks out some. 

These are the pens we have setup to feed the horses in. If I didn't do this then not everyone would get to eat. These panels are parts of what used to be our round pen. When we get our place we will probably set it up again.




Here's a self-portrait. I don't do as good a job as Vanessa as her arms are longer than mine. I took this so you could see how tall Blue is. I'm 5'5 and my arm is across his back.






Here's another self-portrait. One thing I learned is it's hard to remember to smile when there isn't anyone to tell you!






This is the front of the Montalvo's where my horses live. What you can't see is the neighbor just to the right and another neighbor to the left.






 Our church had a prophet from France come to minister in our service November 6th. He gave a word that we would be in a dry season for a while longer that God was doing something in the dryness. That He was birthing intercession. I do believe God is causing us to be desperate. The prophet also said the rains would come. Someone in our congregation also had a dream about the rains coming. There is definitely a spiritual connection to what is going on in the physical. But then I have always believed the two were connected.

Went to work at Drive Safe. When I got off I went to the scrapbook store. Yesterday was the 10-10 crop. I didn’t try to crop, just went down to visit and “shop while they cropped!” I had a 15% off my total purchase coupon that expired yesterday so wanted to use it.

The daily devotional from The God Chasers site is based on Tommy Tenney’s book “Finding Favor with the King”. This devotional goes right along with what Pastor Kirk has been preaching on. I would like to share some excerpts from it. I hope it touches you as it did me.

How Far Will You Go?

“The deeper you go into the palace, the fewer the people”.

Scripture reading Luke 14:25-33 in which Jesus lays out clearly the true cost of discipleship

How far will you go to realize your dreams?

A disciple is one whose dream is to be like Jesus.

Don’t confuse being a Christian with being a disciple. Every believer is a Christian but not every believer is a disciple. Disciples are believers who are committed to going deeper and deeper with the Lord – as deep as they can go. Most believers are content just to be saved. They’re just happy to have their ticket to heaven. The demands of the deeper life in Christ don’t really attract them. And with good reason: those demands are high.

The deeper things of the Spirit are reserved for those who are willing and determined to press in and claim them – to plunge headlong into the wellspring of the very heart of God!

You don’t have to be a trailblazer to be a disciple. You don’t have to be a natural leader. All you need is an abandoned love for Jesus and a heart that yearns to be like Him. It’s what Jesus calls hungering and thirsting for righteousness – and He promises satisfaction.

The deeper you go into the palace, the fewer the people. Why? Because few people are willing to pay the price of moving deeper. The demands of learning the protocols are too high.

How far will you go?

Jesus, I do love You and yearn to be like You so I guess that makes me a disciple. Increase my desire to commit to going deeper with You!

Lord, please send your rain both physically and spiritually to this dry and thirsty land.

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