Thursday, October 20, 2005

Thursday, 20 October 2005

Yes, it’s still Thursday. But this time I’m posting about Thursday instead of the day before! Hopefully I’ll get this submitted before midnight!

Started the day EARLY 6:30AM (still dark outside)! I forgot it was morning prayer today or I would have made myself go to bed sooner than I did last night! I was so tired this morning that I actually fell asleep a couple of times. Don’t know how productive that was! I’m glad that God looks at the heart and not my feeble efforts! I believe He will honor my sacrifice cause it was this morning!

I totally forgot to tell ya’ll the cool thing my husband did for me! I had mentioned to him that I would like a new CD player for my truck as the one I have is old enough it won’t play “burned CD’s” and my truck is where I listen to most of my music. We bought the truck new in 1998. I mentioned this to him a few months back. Well, Tuesday he told me that he’d been by the local electronics business and found a CD player that would work for my truck. All I had to do was go there yesterday and leave it to be installed. So now I can play the CD’s I created with the songs I like! It’s not my birthday, not our anniversary and it’s not even Christmas…pretty cool “just cause gift” huh?!!!

In November Doyle & I along with several other leaders from our church will be attending a fund raising banquet for Messianic Jewish Bible Institute (aka MJBI). We support this ministry to the Jewish people to know Yeshua as their Savior without losing their heritage. If you’re interested to learn more about this ministry go to . Our pastor serves on the advisory board of MJBI. (If you go to this website and click on the advisory board you can see his picture there. His name is Kirk Horton). Anyway, The banquet is November 10th. It’s a formal affair and this year Doyle wanted Keannon and Vanessa to go with us so Doyle took Keannon shopping for a suit and bought himself one as well. Now I need to go shopping!!

Gosh I must have not had my head on to not write about this stuff when it happened! Today Doyle & I had lunch at the locally owned North Oak Dairy Queen. Then came home. It was cool enough today I opened my windows to let the fall air in! Rode my bike back to town to go to the bank and CVS to get some prints done. Came home and had a little time before having to go to work at Drive Safe.

I got my first purchase from Ebay today! I was sooo excited! It was the Creative Memories storage box for photo splits that Kaidence (aka Tazmanian Devil) chewed up. This is the item that Creative Memories discontinued. I sort of “caught the bug” and have placed a few more bids for some scrapbook items and have won!!! My highest priced item was just under $15. I can see where this could be addictive!


This was taken November 2003, Vanessa's junior year of high school. You can tell it was cold (at least for us Texans!) Vanessa is on the left.



I got my 2 mile walk in today. Took Kaidence with me though it’s always a risk to take a dog walking in my neighborhood as not everyone is good to keep their pets restrained (unfortunately). I only had to yell and threaten two dogs. Thank goodness they weren’t very aggressive. I took her because I didn't want to have to cage her all afternoon. She seemed to enjoy it. Mercy was jealous that I didn't take her but it was too hot. I couldn't handle two dogs.

After that I gathered up my scrapbooking stuff and headed to the store to crop for a few hours as well as visit with Cat. 

Then it was church tonight. Message was really good. Pastor Kirk talked about five attitudes to overcome trouble.


1)      Be ruthless about our sin to confront sin in our life.

2)      Be ruthless with self ambition. Quit trusting in our own devices or our own ways. Confront selfishness.

3)      Determine to walk through the “door of hope” God has provided. Expect God to heal me physically, emotionally and spiritually.

4)      Use trouble to your advantage. Isaiah 65:10. Draw near to God. Sometimes even when we’re obedient to God we have trouble. Prov 12:13

5)      Don’t settle on your uprightness. There’s greater levels of purity to obtain.


That’s it in a nutshell. Sorry my notes aren’t better. It was a very good message. It spoke to me.

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