Sunday, November 13, 2005

Sunday, 13 November 2005

Sunday, which means in my household that we meet with our fellow church family to worship. Services were good. They usually are. Ever so often we have exceptional services. I long for the day when exceptional is more the “norm”. When people begin to be convicted and walk into our services asking what they need to do to get right with God. I long for the day when that happens in the market place. In the grocery store, at the gas station, Walmart! Wow! It’s awesome just to think about. Lord, I just want to be ready. Prepare my heart.

Made lunch. Grilled steak, baked potatoes, asparagus and brown & serve rolls. Was out of salad fixings and didn’t want to make another trip to the store. After lunch spent a little time choosing songs for our family cell group meeting tonight then laid down for a nap.

We had a good turnout for our meeting (14 people in all) and two of our regulars didn’t show up. We are in need of multiplying. One couple in our group has voiced their interest in leading a group so after the first of the year things will change. We are excited about  this.

Excerpt from “The God Chasers” by Tommy Tenney

The greatest blessing doesn’t come from God’s hand; it comes from His face in intimate relationship. When you finally see Him and know Him, you have come to the source of all power.

Your flesh holds you back from the glory of God, so you are most likely locked in an unending wrestling match between flesh and the spirit as you read these words. It is time for you to just go ahead and tell Him, “Lord, I want to see Your glory.” The God of Moses is willing to reveal Himself to you but it’s not going to be a cheap blessing. You will have to lay down and dies. He can only come close to you to the degree you are willing to die.

          You need to forget who’s around you and abandon the “normal protocol.” He’s looking for people who are hot after His heart.

          Breakthroughs only come to broken people who are not pursuing their own ambition, but who are after the purposes of God. We need to weep over our city just as Jesus wept over Jerusalem.

No, Daddy, I don’t just want the blessings; I want You. I want You to come close. I want You to touch my eyes, touch my heart, touch my ears, and change me, Lord. I’m tired of me the way I am, because if I can change, then the cities can change too.” (This prayer was in The God Chaser” but it says just want is in my heart to say to Father God.)

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