Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Spring in Palo Pinto County May 18th

Saturday afternoon May 18th I attended a Native Flute Festival in the town of Palo Pinto which is
also our county seat 12 miles West of Mineral Wells.

I have wanted a wooded flute for a long time but would never invest in buying one. I enjoyed listening to people play flutes and looking at all different kinds of craftsmanship. I decided to buy from a local flutist who makes her own flutes and lives in Palo Pinto.

Afterwards I decided to drive around a little bit to look at all the wildflowers. We've had an exceptional year for wildflowers.

The roadside was covered on both sides with many varieties of wildflowers like one giant bouquet on the way to Palo Pinto and further West.

It's just my opinion but I don't believe you have experience a Spring like a Texas Spring!

I so wish the camera could capture the beauty of this mass array of flowers!

This is a close up of the above flowers. They are called Indian Blanket or Fire wheels,

Nobody puts a bouquet of flowers together like God does!

Brown-eyed Susan

This historic church is called Dodson Prairie. It is still active. So pretty!

Wildflowers once again fill the sides of the road.

I just love these blooms that are found on a prickly weed called a thistle. These petals remind me of crepe paper.

As I said before the highway on both sides was filled with wildflowers! So beautiful!

While am driving and looking at  flowers I spy this guy on a utility pole!

I tried to get closer and he wasn't having it!

When I spotted where he landed I saw he had a friend!

And of course where there are flowers there are butterflies!

I had a wonderful time.

Have a good one!

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