Monday, November 6, 2017

What Is It? 11-02-2017

The other morning when I was feeding I was getting hay out of the barn and turned to shut the gate when something caught my eye. I turned to see what it was and was intrigued wondering what was floating through the air so magically. I first thought dust but I'm not so sure. I didn't do anything to stir up any dust that I know of and when I looked really close the particles at time seemed "crystal" like. It was almost magical. I was so intrigued that I decided to try to video what I was seeing. To enlarge the video to to my youtube channel to view. Hope you are awed as I was 😊

Have a good one!


  1. Interesting indeed! I wonder what it was. I too would have thought dust but they seem to show lots of light and some are large. Hmmm...I'm stumped.

    1. Thanks! I was stumped too! Maybe it was a spiritual encounter :)
