Friday, March 13, 2020

January 2020

On January 5th Doyle was ordained as an elder in our church. I was a very meaning time for both of us. This is something he has desired for many years. I am very proud of him.

From left to right. Donnie Lemons (current Elder), Doug Jefferson and Doyle (being ordained) and Pastor Kirk Horton.

Here is a video about 9 1/2 minutes long of the service. I was late starting it but got most of it.

A beautiful sunset 1-12.

Fancy with a sunset 1-13.

Droplets on spider webs 1-14.

I had been seeing this bird for weeks and had tried to get his/her picture. I had not ever seen a bird like this before. I learned it is called a "Sparrow hawk" in layman's term. Correct name is American Kestrel. Although not as big as the hawks I typically see, he's still bigger than a dove! He is beautifully marked!

Kashton plays basketball. He was on a team that had no basketball experience and played teams that did. It was brutal to watch as you will see in this video clip. Kashton is #20 in the white jersey.

The way they pick teams for basketball are not fair and some of the kids had played together before.

Kashton loves basketball and can shoot really well. He still needs work with ball handling but then, he is only 6 yrs old here.

1-23 View on way home from the vet clinic picking up meds for Kaidence. I just love this windmill with the sun rays coming through the clouds.

The sunset when I fed the horses.

1-25 I found a bird nest. This is inside a pipe that holds the barn roof. I did not see the nest. I put my phone over the hole and took a picture!

1-27 a Very foggy morning

Fence of the horse pasture. I can't even see the horses!

One of the barn cats. He actually belongs to the people who live by the horses but he comes every morning and evening to eat. Even though I put out water bowl with fresh water everyday he insists on drinking out of the horse trough!

Most unusual clouds when I feed in the evening.

That wraps it up for January. It went quick!

Have a good one.

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