Saturday, March 14, 2020

February 2020

February 5th we had our first snow of the season. The meteorologists had been watching it for several
days. It was looking like we were going to get hit hard. We were placed in a Winter Weather Warning. Schools canceled in the anticipation of the winter weather. Well, it didn't happen. It didn't even start snowing until time to take Kennedy to dance (4:00). She is trying to catch snowflakes with her tongue.

Here is a video which is much better!

While Kennedy was at dance I went to feed horses. While waiting at the dance studio for her to get through it began snowing bigger flakes.

Here's a couple of videos I took while I waited.

video 1 teenagers take a selfie.

video 2

I downloaded this picture from the Dance instructor's page. Kennedy is on the back row close to the door.

February 6 the day after our "snow storm 😉.

I saw this hawk in the tree but couldn't get stopped. I turned around. I stopped the truck got my camera out and just as I start to take a picture the hawk decided I was too close. It would have been such a cool shot with the pale moon in the background.

My favorite windmill with the moon.

February 6th

I got this picture from Vanessa. Keannon taking the girls to the community Father/Daughter dance.

February 15 Kashton getting some coaching.

February 15 sunset

Same sunset but very different.

There is more to February but enough to make two different blog posts for. Stay tuned!

Have a good one!

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