Monday, October 29, 2018

There Are Five

I told you about my barn cat having babies on September 28th in this post. I was able to pinpoint their location to an open garage belonging to the people who live near the horses. The former owners of the house had placed a floor on the rafters of the garage making room for storage.  Lovey, the name given to my barn cat by Ava the little girl of the family, had the babies in the rafters. Tim (the husband) said he saw them. He told me there were four. Two black and 2 gray.

The morning of October 18th while putting out cat food for Lovey I hear a kitten meow. The sound lead me to the hay room and see this little cutie. I thought Lovey was in the process of moving the babies to the barn.

Then I heard another kitten meow coming from the stacked hay! I had to turn on the light on my phone to see but sure enough the babies were in there and Mom joined them before I could get a picture!

I left for a retreat this day and Doyle was in charge of taking care of horses.

I let him know about the kittens so he could watch for them when getting hay.

He saw them all out while I was gone and we learned there were 5 babies not 4!

Not a great picture but I took this the day I got back from my retreat October 22nd. There are 3 black and 2 gray.

Lovey is a good Mama.

You can watch a short video clip of them here.

I have enjoyed watching them.

Lovey moved them again October 28th but not far. They are in some bushes closer to the house. Not sure how I feel about that. I felt they were safer in the barn but I guess Lovey thinks otherwise. The bushes are right where I drive by and I sure don't want to run over any of them!

Have a good one!

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