Monday, October 23, 2017

Usual Praying Mantis and Dapper 10-10-2017

I was over at the kids house on October 10th. Right next to the front door was this unusual creature! I realized it was a Praying Mantis but very unusual in its color than I had ever seen before.

It was my "unique find" of the day!

While I was there I got to meet "Dapper".

He is the brother to Klassy (I spelled her name wrong in the previous post)  He is bigger than she was and much more docile but Kennedy is happy to have him. Vanessa learned that the people who had him were looking to re-home him. I think it is helping Kennedy to work through her loss of Klassy.

Have a good one!


  1. Dapper looks like a good pup! I hope it does help Kennedy. I've seen a few of those praying mantis like that. Very unusual looking.
