I ask at the gate where most of the wildflowers are and I am directed to Amphitheater area.
Look at these beautiful Wine Cups!
There are some wildflowers but not quite the assortment I had hoped to find.
A Firewheel with a bug.
Whenever I find a heart shape on my outings I feel as though God is just reminding me how much He loves me. It always makes me smile and yes....feel loved 😊
Now this was intriguing! I didn't know what this was. When I posted on Facebook I got some input!
This is created by a Spittle Bug. According to one of my Facebook friends "they blow these bubbles from there butt creating a bubble cocoon protecting them from predators supposedly they are tasty but the bubbles are sour and birds won't eat them."
I learned something 😉
I decide to drive to the other side of the park over by the equestrian trails.
This takes me across the spillway. As I drive I see these vultures. I found it interesting and humorous. I haven't seen them congregate like this at the spillway before.
I look out my other window toward the lake and see this Canadian goose.
Looking back to the spillway there are more vultures.
I wish I could have gotten closer but I liked the reflection in the water.
Look at these "Yellow Roses of Texas" (cactus blooms)
See the bee crawling out of the flower covered in pollen?
I find another heart 😊. This one reminds me that even when my heart is crummy, God still loves me!
More beautiful blooms!
Some of the trail is pretty treacherous. Very glad I had my lace up riding boots on!
Once I got to the top the view was great!
I didn't quite capture what I was seeing but I liked how the sun was shining on these tall green plants that will bloom in a few weeks.
I rested for a spell and when I did this little guy decided to land on my camera bag.
I loved how the sun light shown through the foliage.
Then I came upon a magical place. There is a tree next to the trail that had butterflies fluttering around this tree in abundance along with some wasps.
I was mesmerized by all the fluttering beauty! The tree was plain and didn't even have any leaves yet. I'm thinking to myself there has to be something sweet that is attracting them. I just couldn't quit watching them and enjoy feeling them land on me occasionally.
The first butterfly to land on me landed on my hand.
Here is a short video clip.
The butterflies landed on me several times. I loved it 😍
If you interested, go here to see a video of just the butterflies fluttering around the tree.
Found where another Spittle Bug had been.
More pretty flowers.
You don't see them often but occasionally there will be a white or albino Indian Paint Brush.
A bird to finish off my walk. Not sure what this is. I haven't looked it up yet. It will be a nice addition to the picture calendars I do for my bird friends.
I had a great hike with Papa and certainly enjoyed His tokens of love and His kisses 😍
Have a good one!
Oh wow! I'm so happy you went on that walk with your camera! Beautiful, beautiful photos and how awesome for the butterfly kiss from God!