Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Kitty and the Guinea Pig

Vanessa is a lot like me when it comes to animals. It's hard to say no when people tug at your heart
strings with any baby animal. A friend of Vanessa's had found this baby kitten that was obviously not old enough to be weaned. She didn't have time to bottle feed it or properly care for it.

Vanessa took the kitten to "help" bottle feed until it was weaned. can guess what happened. She didn't want to let it go after she cared for it.

I noticed quickly after having Clifford that he did much better when he was at least in the same room as me. So, I constructed a make-shift "playpen" if you will for him out of cardboard boxes to put in my craft room. Since that is where I spend the majority of my time when I'm home. I started bringing hay from the barn and putting in that "playpen" as well as leafy lettuce.  There has been many a time that I've seen him so relaxed when he's in it. (He's laying down here)

He quietly munches on hay or lettuce. Occasionally "hiding" in his hay pile. I do believe he enjoys it.

Korin had brought the kitten (named Rapunzel) over one day and let her roam the house. She found Clifford.  I saw her make her way to his "pen" and decided to video what happened next. I thought it was cute.

I must admit I've gotten rather attached to him. I don't think kids will tend to him like I have. I'm not sure he will be happy to go "home". Kennedy and Kashton both have said "maybe he should stay with you Savtah". I'm not terribly opposed to that. I'm not sure how Doyle would feel about that!

Have a good one!

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