Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Tuesday, 27 December 2005

I was off work again today. It was nice. Back tomorrow though and a lot to do! Have the bulletin to get ready and the newsletter for January to get out. Plus three days of mail to go through.

Went riding today. Way too pretty not to. It was 80 degrees again today. Wind was blowing like crazy though so didn’t feel quite so hot. I’m trying to decide if I should put my turtle necks back in the other closet! It is dangerously dry. There were many grass fires today and many that got severe enough to burn several homes! We are in drought conditions. The weatherman last night said it hasn’t been this dry in our area since 1956! We are desperately praying for rain.

Mom helped me with ironing today so I could go ride. I got so upset because I had several things that needed ironing and had laundry to wash. I wanted to ride so bad and didn’t feel like I could go and leave all that behind. Mom said she couldn’t remember when she had ironed last. It is really my own fault it piled up. I hate it so bad I put it off until it takes me two or three hours to do. If I would just iron it as a load is dry I would be more in control. The riding was just what I needed though. Horse riding for me is very therapeutic. It didn’t solve any problems but it did make me feel better and helped me get a little better perspective on things.

After I get back, Mom and I go to town to check out the stores that have Christmas stuff on half price. Went to CVS and got some pretty nice wrapping paper, ribbon, tags etc. I wanted to buy outdoor Christmas decorations but not knowing where we may be next year it’s hard to know how to plan.

I read something today that really has me thinking. It’s from “The God Chasers” by Tommy Tenney. I’m sure ya’ll were wondering if I was still reading it since I had quit talking about it. I am. I set it aside for awhile but picked it up again.

Excerpt from “The God Chasers” by Tommy Tenney Chapter 8 The Purpose of His Presence.

            Time and again we ask one another, “Why can’t I win my friends to the Lord? Why is it that my family members just don’t seem interested in God?” The answer may shock you in its bluntness, but the truth often hurts. The reason people who know you, aren’t interested in your God may be because you don’t have enough of the presence of God in your life. There is something about God’s presence that makes everything else crumble in comparison. Without it, you will be just as pale and lifeless as everybody else around you. No matter what you do, without His presence, you will be “just another somebody” to those around you.

            I don’t know about you, but I am tired of just being “another somebody “ to the lost around me. I have made a decision. I made up my mind and set my heart to declare, “I am going to pursue the presence of God in my life. I am going to get so close to God that when I walk into secular and public places, people will meet Him.” They may not know that I’m there, but they will definitely know that He is there. I want to be so saturated with God’s presence that when I take a seat on a plane, then everyone near me will suddenly feel uncomfortable if they’re not right with God-even though I haven’t said a word. I’m not wanting to condemn or to convict them; I just want to carry the fragrance of my Father with me.

            If you are really hungry to see Daddy come on the scene, then you have to understand that you must stop seeking His benefits and quit asking for Him to do this and that.

            “Father, I confess that I want to see change in my life and in my church so I can bring about change in my city.

            Give me such a heart and passion after You that I may begin to see Your glory flow out of me to convict and save the lost. Release Your presence through me as You did through Charles Finney when he walked through factories and saw workers drop to their knees under Your glory and cried out for forgiveness although not one word had been spoken or preached. May the faintest shadow of Your presence in my lives heal the sick and restore the lame I meet in the streets.

            “Let Your presence so saturate me that unsaved guests can’t step into my house or be around me with unrepentant hearts. May Your glory bring conviction in their lives that leads to salvation – not because of the words I say, but because of Your presence and power in my heart.

(This prayer is not original but in Tommy’s book but it said what I wanted say so I  personalized it for me. I hope you do the same if the words I posted tonight touched your heart.)

Good night all!

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