Thursday, December 29, 2005

Thursday, 29 December 2005

 Wednesday, 28 December 2005

First day back at work wasn’t too bad. I’ll have lots to do after the first of the year. Year end report, W-2’s, sending out tax statements to members that contributed to the church. But I’ll worry about that after New Year’s.


Mom suggested going to see Chronicles of Narnia today so when I got off work we went to the early show. It was an awesome movie! It’s rare that I want to see a movie again but I do this one. If you haven’t seen it I highly recommend it especially if you are a Christian.


After the movie we came home and grabbed some lunch. My mother looks and me and says what next? I said “I don’t know. Whatever you want I guess”. She asked me where I got my hair done. She needed her bangs (not bags---fratmom---LOL!) trimmed. So took her to the hair saloon I go to. We didn’t have an appointment but we timed it just right and she was able to use my hair dresser. How cool is that?!


We came home and were here long enough to chill at little before church. It was really good. The teaching was awesome but I’ll spare you tonight. Afterwards we invited Omar, Keannon’s friend to come to the house for sausage and egg taquitoes. Everyone that knows me very well knows that Wednesday night is taquito night at my house. It’s easy and very filling. Doyle loves them. Omar brought some of his mom’s homemade chicken tamales. Hmmmmm good! They were fabulous!


Well, the hour is late and prayer is in the morning at 6:30am so better get to bed. Let me leave you with another excerpt from “The God Chasers” by Tommy Tenney.


            God is calling you to a new level of intimacy. If you dare to answer His call, the Lord will reveal a fresh part of His character. He will pull you so close that you will be breathing the very rarefied air of Heaven. The only way to the place David called “the secret place” is through the door of focused worship when you lay aside every distraction and focus your body, soul, and spirit upon God. When His presence becomes so strong that you are oblivious to everyone and everything else around you, then healing can come in an encounter with God from which you will never “recover.” Your heart will be as permanently disabled with love as Jacob’s leg was left with a limp!


Lord I do dare to answer Your call. I want to breath the very air of heaven. I want to be so focused on worship that nothing or no one can distract me from pouring my adoration on You. If it takes a limp to do that in me Lord….so be it, I say yes to You.

Today was another mild one. Got up and went to prayer this morning. Came home and read some more of “The God Chasers” book.  Gosh this is a good book and very challenging.

After I get home from work, Vanessa calls me to take her truck back to the body shop. They didn’t have a part they needed to fix it the last time it was there. So Mom followed me out to the body shop and then drove me back home. She went on to my SIL to visits her. She asked if I wanted to go but I really wanted to take a nap! And nap I did off and on most of the afternoon. It was beautiful outside (75) but I was cold in the house. I had on a button shirt, cotton hoodie and a blanket before I got warm. My blood sugar must have been low or I just didn’t have my blood circulating very good! I finally decide to get myself up as this isn’t very productive. I hate not being productive at least a little. I did manage to take all the decorations off the tree and take the tree down. I think I may try to take down the outside lights tomorrow.  Saturday is going to be full. One of our church members passed away Tuesday from liver cancer. Our church is preparing and serving the family dinner after the funeral Saturday morning. That is also the day of a crop at the scrapbook store. I won’t get much scrap booking done but maybe a little. Hopefully I can get my creative flow going and continue when I come home.

Well, I will leave you with this excerpt from “The God Chasers chapter 9 - Are You Waiting for the Whisper of God?” by Tommy Tenney.

            Have you ever wondered how certain people seem to have a certain attachment to God? For some reason, God just seems to be near them all the time. I can tell you that it isn’t because they preach so well, or because they are such stellar singers. No, they know how to dismantle their egos and glory. They lay it all aside just to worship at His feet in brokenness and humility. And it is for these precious few that God Himself will stop His ascent to Heaven just to whisper His secrets into their waiting hearts.

            Did you notice that God didn’t break Mary’s alabaster box? Mary had to break it. If you want to have that kind of encounter with God, then you will have to “break” yourself. The highest level of worship comes from brokenness, and there are no shortcuts or formulas to help you “reach the top” No one can do it for you; that is something only you can do. But if you do, God will stop just to spend time with you.

            The breaking of your heart arrests the ears and eyes of God, and it begins when your love for Him supersedes your fear of what others may think. You can’t seek His face and save your “face.”


Buttons (my mom's dog) and our long lost Joey. He's looking better than when we first brought him home and not hiding so much now.







This looks like Mercy is saying "I said enough!!" Kaidence can be and is sometimes a real nuisance. She doesn't know when to quit!














Kaidence seems to be saying "Look at me!" Vanessa and Keannon got her a new stuffed toy for Christmas. I know you can't tell here what it is but it's a horse! I told Vanessa I didn't think it was such a good idea for her to have a "horse" to "tear up" because that's what she does. Each hoof has a squeaker in it and another one in the middle of the horse. Can you see the stuffing coming out already? I've sewn it up about 3 times now! She usually grabs it by the middle and shakes it! It's funny to watch.

Goodnight all!


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