There is a little bull riding at the beginning and some at the end. Kashton called it "jumping cows"! He loved the "jumping cows"!

If you didn't stay on you ended up like this guy! (I didn't take this picture. It's compliments of the Rafter G.
Keannon's friend Jeromy is holding Korin.
Doyle watching the rodeo. I managed to get some of Kennedy's hair in this photo!
Behind the rodeo was this beautiful rainbow!
The storms weren't over yet.
The clouds starting looking funny too me.
I went back to watching the rodeo and made an attempt at getting a few pics. I was using my phone so they are a bit blurred. Should have grabbed my big camera but I didn't.
Then we got to watch the best ride of the night!
Clouds continuing to roll in!
Doyle checking the radar.
Kept looking like the bottom would fall out any minute!
The previous photo caused me to take this one! Vanessa's good friend Stevi and her son Legend who is Kennedy's buddy.
Kashton is mesmerized! Kennedy and Nadika (Legend's sister). You can see how dark the clouds are in the background.
We managed to get through the rodeo without a drop of rain! The clown (John Harrison) was very kind to pose with the kids. It was a great evening of fun. We only got to ride horses the first night. The rest of the time it was too muddy and stormy! There's always next year!
Have a good one!
Jumping cows! I love it!! Looks like you have so much fun at the rodeos!
Sandy’s Crafty Creations Blog
Thanks Sandy! Rodeo is always a fun time for us as a family!