To get good seats we had to get there early to wait in line for the doors to open. Recital started at 10:30 AM, doors opened at 10 AM we were in line by 9:30 AM. Nana (Janice, Vanessa's step-mother) holding Korin. Anybody recognize this outfit?
This is Kennedy and Vanessa June 2010. She was 6 months old. Korin is 7 months. They almost look like the same baby!
Back to the recital!
A sweet man saw me trying to get a picture of everyone and offered to take this for me. The whole row is there for Kennedy's recital.
Here's our little doll! My she looks so grown up to me! Her first performance was a tap dance routine.
Her next dance to perform was a ballet number.
She did a great job! I was so proud of her.
Have a good one!
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