I went to feed about 8 am and this is what the roads already looked like. The road on my right just before the trees is where I turn to go to the barn.
My 4-wheel drive sure did come in handy!
After seeing someone post a similar pic on Facebook I thought I would give it a try. Turned out pretty cool! See the snowflake shape? you can actually see more than one if you look close.
I wanted to play in the snow with the grandkids but had to do some things at the office first. After I was done I went to their house. Kennedy and Kashton got buddled up and we went outside. I was hoping to help them build a snowman (I told Kashton we were going to make an "Olaf"). Thing is, the snow was so dry it wouldn't pack! Bummer!
Kennedy did make snow angels.
Isn't he just too cute!
Kennedy eating the snow off her gloves.
Trying to get Kashton and Kajen to cooperate at the same time proved to be a real challenge.
Kajen loves the water and he loves the snow!
Notice Kashton's hands. They are full of snow. He is running to throw it on Kajen because he saw his sister do that.

Even though the snow wouldn't pack into a ball, Kennedy still scooped up snow and threw it at me.
I like how this picture turned out!
I hadn't noticed before but I thought it was cool that the street name "Cactus" had a snow covered cactus right by it!
Even Korin got a little "snow" action.
Mommy helped her make a snow angel.
She will be 6 months old March 26th!
Here comes Kennedy at me again with a handful of snow! Of course she thinks that's great fun!
The trampoline was so full of snow. Vanessa wanted to get it out and was shoveling it. Kennedy wanted a turn.
Kashton just wanted to jump! You can view a short video clip of him here.
After that we all went inside to warm up. Mommy fixed us all hot chocolate! Yum!
Korin is such a cutie! Just chillin in Mommy's lap.
I was bummed that the camera chose to focus on Vanessa's shoulder but I still like this picture. Looks like we're going to have another blue-eyed baby!
I love these sweet babies!
Have a good one!
You had lots of fun in that snow!! The little snowflake looks like someone punched it out of paper! Amazing!!
Sandy’s Crafty Creations Blog
Thanks Sandy! Just wish we could have built an "Olaf"! I got the idea of taking a picture of the snow flake from someone on Facebook. I was amazed it really worked!