It was a beautiful day outside. Mommy had sent some school work for Kennedy to do at the office.
She didn't get it all done so after we got home we made ourselves some lunch and set on the patio.
After her school work we played in the backyard. Kennedy discovered a huge toad. I guess it got warm enough that he came out to find bugs to eat.
Kennedy wanted to touch his belly so I picked him up.
Every time the toad jumped she jumped! It was funny. She wanted to touch him but was startle every time he hopped! She's better than her mother though.
I thought it was ironic that Vanessa posted a video today on Facebook that I had taken 3 years before of Kennedy with a toad. It is so cute.
Wow! That is a huge toad! He's done quite well over the winter! I hope you are WRONG about us having another cold spell! Looks like Kennedy was a great office helper! :)
Sandy’s Crafty Creations Blog
Ya for him to be in hibernation I don't know how he got so fat! I hope I'm wrong too but we'll see! Thanks so much!