It stayed overcast and cool until about 5 then the sun popped out and it warmed up a bit. Unfortunately though, I didn't have time to ride the bike as it was church night.
A young woman I am acquainted with and has been my inspiration to ride my bike made plans to ride the trail together on Thursday after work. I'm old enough to be her mother! She runs her own business a little coffee hut that sits on the church property.

Thursday after she closed the coffee shop and I got through at the scrapbook store we met at the trail. I stayed with her for the first 2 miles. I could quickly tell that I was not going to be able to keep up so I told her not to worry about me and to keep going. I'd catch up with her eventually even if it was on her way back!

Here she is coming back to meet up with me.
And there she goes!
I didn't try to keep up just keep going! I appreciated being challenged just a bit.
I ended up riding 12 miles in an hour and eight minutes!
Once we got back to our trucks we parted ways.
I came to feed just as the sun was setting behind a cloud bank. The hope of more rain to come.
Have a good one!
The rain has been a wonderful blessing! 12 miles. I'd faint and still be lying out there on the trail. Oh wait, I don't ride bikes. Never had one as a kid and have no desire to learn now and fall off. Which I would! Another beautiful sunset photo with the fence on the side.
Sandy’s Crafty Creations Blog
I almost fainted! I probably should have waited until I had adjusted to riding again before I rode with her but oh well! I made it!