Thursday (March 26th) was an ordinary day at the office. Pastors pray is on Thursday mornings. They start at 8am and are still going when I arrive. They were quit chatty with me and one another as they began to dismiss. I had a friend come in as they were leaving. We had been talking for a while when for some reason I cannot recall why I look up at the ceiling. I was startled. I saw something I knew was not supposed to be there! I couldn't decide if it was a HUGE bug or what! About that time my friend sees it and says "that's a bat". We both try to get a picture of it. This was taken with my phone. I then
remembered I had my SLR camera with me in the truck which had my zoom lens with it. Now you can see him a bit better. All that commotion in the office and he was undisturbed!
We have a local Bat Sanctuary which I called.

Someone came out within 10 minutes! Our ceilings are really tall!
He got the bat down safely. The little bat wasn't too happy. He squawked a lot!
Needless to say that was a first in my 15 years of working here!
Have a good one!
This was batty! Glad you had Bat World right there in Mineral Wells to take him back to a safer place!
Sandy’s Crafty Creations Blog
It was pretty strange!