Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Casper the Barn Cat

 Casper was born at the barn. The only survivor of a long list of cats. It took me a while to win her over but once I did she loves attention from me. I have her food on some pallets off the ground. They are just a little lower than my shoulders. She likes to walk on my shoulders and then walk back to the pallet. She so funny

The other day  while I was bent over crumbling the alfalfa flake she hopped on my back! She's never done that before. Silly cat!

She's won my heart.

Have a good one!

1 comment:

  1. I was way behind on your blog. I hadn't even seen the Christmas one. Beautiful decorations & it looked like a lot of nice presents. The children seemed to like their books.
    Congrats on the new blue truck, so pretty! I love colors in cars & trucks. Casper is a pretty color & looks like a fun girl!
