Thursday, May 23, 2019

Alameda California 4-9

Our first stop on our day of sightseeing is Alameda, California. You may ask "why Alamdea?"

Because family history was made there.

Doyle's parents were married in Alameda, California in 1945. His dad was in the Navy and just getting out of the service. I recently learned after being in the family over 30 years that his mom went to California to meet him out there ahead of his discharge. She lived and worked there. I had understood that she just went out to meet Doyle's Dad to marry him. That was pretty courageous of her for that day and time!

Doyle's sister has a picture of them on the day they married in Alameda. We were within a couple of hours of there from the airport we flew into. So once we landed we rented a car and headed South to Oakland where we would spend the night.

Doyle did some research on the history of Alameda and felt like he had gotten pretty close to the location that the picture was taken. He wanted to get a picture of us.

That is a story in itself as Doyle asked 3 different people if they would take our picture. Each one not only turned us down but were very rude about it! Hello....we're not in Texas anymore! Doyle decided we were going to have to settle for a selfie when I saw 3 teenage girls coming and I said we should try one more time. I asked and they said yes! Not all was lost 😊

Here is a another picture of them.

As you can see Doris has scrapbooked the keepsakes to preserve the family history.

(You can click on the picture to enlarge for better viewing.)

Alameda was a really cool town. We loved how they mixed the old with the new something we are trying to do in our own town.

This is a wide view of the location we had our picture made.

I just found this intriguing. The architecture and color scheme!

Couldn't resist 😉

Alameda, you were great to visit. Now on to San Francisco!

Have a good one!

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