Thursday, July 26, 2018

Weekend at Studio 52

I always love spending time with my friend Teresa. Unfortunately those times are not many in the hectic lives we both live...hers probably more so than mine.

We have learned that if we REALLY want to spend time we have to get our calendars out and mark it down before it happens.

So that's what we did while we were at the retreat Memorial Day Weekend. We got out our calendars and picked a date June 30th and July 1st.

This was taken inside "Studio 52". I love her saying on the wall. She has other quotes and neat things in her creative space.

Teresa lives in the country so I always take advantage of getting a good view of sunsets!

I zoomed in to watch the sun going behind the clouds.

The sun gone now to wait for the color to shine.

The colors did not disappoint!

The colors reach their peak before they slowly fade away.

We had a wonderful time together as we always do! We need to mark our calendars again😉.

Have a good one!

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