Thursday, June 21, 2018

Rock House Retreat 5-27-2018

Sunday, May 27th I began my day by spending it outside while it was still cool which didn't last very long! I enjoyed watching the birds and butterflies.

This retreat was a quilters retreat but it was specific to making collage quilts. They really aren't quilts at all but pieces of art that will be hung to view and not use.

Teresa got bit by the "quilting bug". Well, it really happened at the last retreat but she didn't exhibit any symptoms until this retreat. I saw the "handwriting on the wall" when she started asking those who were quilting questions.

 Then she began to "look" at fabric. Before I knew it she had bought a pattern and started her own collage.

Look how much she got done! She didn't finish at the retreat.

Here are some of the other quilt collages.

This one was very impressive as it was made with strips of fabric!

This was my favorite! The lady who did this is from San Diego California and lives on a sailboat! She also roomed with me and Teresa. She was so sweet and leads such an interesting life!

This group of ladies liked us so much they have invited us to join them again in October! So Teresa and I are planning to go back!

It was a great time!

Have a good one!


  1. Wow! Those collages are amazing! Teresa's is wonderful. I sometimes get bit by the quilting bug but haven't finished anything. Ha, ha.

    1. Thanks! I have managed to stay clear of quilting! I don't need another hobby!
