Kennedy asked to take pictures with my SLR camera again.
Doesn't she look like a natural?
Kennedy took this one.
Looking through the eyes of a six year old!
She took this one.
And this one.
Yes, this one too!
She told me to stand here.
She set this one up too!
She took this one.
She liked this little cactus bud.
I took this one.
Swinging from a young tree that was bent across the path.
She spied a "rolly polly" and wanted to hold it.
She spotted these purple flowers.
and these yellow beauties.
I get my camera back toward the end of our hike.
She is enjoying the view across Lake Mineral Wells.
I took this one coming across the spillway.
I thought this was pretty cool!
We had a great time!
Have a good one!
She's really good!And has a great eye! I'm thinking someone may need to get their own SLR camera soon!
ReplyDeleteThanks I thought so! Ya, I've been thinking about it already!