My Lil' Peanut turned 7 years old Sunday December 18th! How can that be?! Although I can no longer pick her up, as she is 3/4 of my height, when I look in her face I still see a sweet little girl who used to say "I want to hold you"!
You have seen from some of my posts that Kennedy has shown an interest in music. She is always wanting to play either my piano, keyboard or guitar.
I started thinking about trying to get her a child sized guitar and start her in lessons. I let Doyle know my thoughts and he readily jumped on my band wagon. He began researching and found something we thought we wanted to get her. There was one time Kennedy was at the house that she actually said she'd like to have a guitar.
Vanessa had planned a birthday dinner at Kincaid's, a burger place in Weatherford, with family and friends the night of her birthday. We decided to give Kennedy her present that afternoon before dinner.
Looking at the card I made her.
Here's the card.
Daddy reading the card to her.
Granddad helping open her gift.
One excited girl when she figured out what was in the box!
Thanks to Keannon, I got to be in some of the pictures.
I'm showing her it has a built-in tuner. My guitar doesn't have that!
I love it. She's strumming and singing even though she doesn't know how to make a chord yet :)
Showing Kennedy how to make the "D" chord.
It's just the right size.
That night at Kincaid's we had a good turn out.
Looking from the other end of the table.
All the grandparents were there and the Great-Grand (Mom).
The birthday girl surrounded by friends and family.
It was a great birthday!
Have a good one!