Meteorologists said that there was a threat of severe weather and they were right. I was working at
the store that day. It was supposed to be a crop day but I guess the weather was so nice everyone was doing something else. I kept tabs on the weather and began to see storms forming out West on the radar. Soon a "Severe Thunderstorm Watch" was issued. The storms continued to intensify. Doyle started texting me to make sure I knew the latest update. Before long a "Severe Thunderstorm Warning" was issued. It was getting time to close the store anyway and Cathy wanted to get out of
town ahead of it so we closed up shop. As we make our way to our vehicles The sky is dark with angry looking clouds. I say to Cathy "You thinking what I'm thinking?" She said "I've got it right here on my shoulder". She was referencing her camera as was I! We both grab our cameras and start taking pictures. The Baker really stood out against the ominous clouds.
The back door to the store is to the right out of the photograph.
Isn't the bell tower cool looking?!
I wanted a better angle or view of the Baker against the dark clouds so I drove a couple of blocks and took this one.
I drove a few more blocks and got this one. I decided I better go feed horses before this thing hit.
Doyle sent me another text saying I might want to find a place to park the truck as there were reports that this storm had a history of golf ball size hail and 60+ mph winds. Great! (not!) Here's my view from the barn! The horses were already in the barn! That is highly unusual!
I begin asking God to let me get home under the carport before it hits!
I get about halfway home and Vanessa texts me and asks if I can go let the dog in. She lives about 3 miles from me. So I go to her house. Now I can watch the clouds really well because I'm driving right toward the storm! It's looking very eerie and I'm thinking "I'm not going to make it under cover before the bottom falls out!"
Driving up the hill to Vanessa's. I get the dog inside the house and back in my truck. Now to get home!
Just as I get on the road that goes back down the hill the storm sirens go off! I think I drove right by one as it went off! It was so loud it made me jump! I keep telling God "Just let me get home!" In trying to get home I got behind not one but two different drivers who were obviously oblivious to the impending storm as they were driving at a snail's pace! Then I see people standing along the road looking up at the sky all the while the sirens are blaring! What is the matter with people?!
God answered my prayer and I did make it home safely and get my truck under the carport just as the rain begins to fall. Vanessa was in Weatherford to pickup Kashton from Nana (her step-mom). Kennedy had cheer competition all day in Frisco about 2 hrs from us. Once at Nana's, Vanessa thought it best to ride out the storm there instead of getting caught on the road. I agreed. I kept waiting for wind and hail never happened. All we got (thankfully) is rain. Doyle told me later that the storm split just about 5 miles from town where the Brazos River crosses Hwy 180. People North and South of town got wind and hail. Vanessa would have been better off coming home. She, Nana and all 3 kids rode out the storm in a hall closet. A funnel cloud had been sighted just South of their location! Nana did a great job of keeping the kids calm by singing. Vanessa said Nana was more calm than she was! Everyone was fine but it was a little too close for comfort!
The clouds cleared in the West just in time for the sun to set.
Interesting clouds over my neighbors house.
I almost waited too long to get any pics. I had been texting Vanessa, Doyle, and my other neighbor and then FaceBooking about the weather.
I couldn't see any rainbow from the house but a dear friend of mine saw one and sent this to me in a text because it made her think of me! How sweet! I loved it and wished I could have gotten a picture of it myself! I think it is even more cool that the view of the rainbow is over our church!
We still got 7 tenths and with getting 1.12 on Thursday, 1.15 on Friday that gave us almost 3 inches in 3 days! Woohoo! Now that is what I call RAIN!
We have more rain in the forecast for later this week with also the potential for storms. We dodged the bullet this time!
Have a good one!
Fabulous photos! Glad you made it home! We had wind and TONS of rain! Luckily no hail. Other areas weren't so lucky. I love the rain but not so much the other stuff, we may be in for more of it this week!
Sandy’s Crafty Creations Blog
Thanks Sandy! Yes we are in for another round tonight and chances for the next couple of days. I'm with you give me rain and leave out the wind and hail!