It was nice to let the girls wake up on their own. They didn't sleep very late. We get up and go feed horses. The front had come through before we left the house making it cool. Remi told me she wanted to ride but I convinced her to wait until it was warmer. The wind was pretty stiff making it feel even cooler than it was.

Being the good grandmother I am, I of course provided them with a healthy nutritious breakfast of Pigs-in-a-blanket and donuts! They said they wanted 5 each! It was cheaper by the dozen so I got a dozen. I think I ate 3 and they ate the rest!
My goodness these girls can eat! How could anyone say "no" to these two adorable faces?! Certainly not me!

We came home and played for a little while before I took them to see the movie "Home".

This was a great movie! I laughed and I cried!
After the movie we went to the horses so Remi could ride. You can watch a video here of her ride.
Vanessa and Keannon had been invited to dinner at a friend's. They were going to pickup the girls from me on their way. When I told the girls, Remi said "But Savtah, you said we get to spend the whole day with you and it's not even dark yet!" Now you know that just melted my heart! We worked it out and the girls stayed with me until well after dark!

The picture on the right was taken in 2012 in the same location. They have grown and changed so much in 3 years!

They do pick on each other and occasionally don't get along but at the end of the day....they love each other very much!

We had great fun!
Have a good one!
What a fun day! Definitely a Good Friday! Very Grandma of you to let them have donuts! :) Love all of your bluebonnet photos!
Sandy’s Crafty Creations Blog
Thanks Sandy!