Thursday, June 1, 2006

Thursday, 01 June 2006

Yesterday was a very full day. I was late getting home from the office. It was about 1PM. I forgot that Doyle’s brother was coming over after being at my niece’s high school graduation in Plano Tuesday night. We went to lunch. We got home around 2:30PM. I needed to go take care of Clyde. The water in the trough we put in his stall was really looking nasty so decided to empty and refill it. That is an ordeal. There is no water source close to the covered shelter we have the stall in. I took three hoses to reach the trough. I had to get a hose that was close to the house. It was partially pinned under the wheel of a car. I pulled on it and wasn’t paying attention where I was. When the hose gave way I fell backwards into Teresa’s little girls wadding pool butt first!! I totally soaked my mid-section. I had to finish what I was doing wet!! Sopping wet!! At first I was so mad!! Then I decided I was taking things too seriously and should lighten up and just laugh at myself.

I get home with about 45 minutes to spend trying to figure out what I was going to do for worship at church. Cat had asked me to come to the scrapbook store so she could leave early for a meeting. It had been so long since she had originally showed me how to do things I went early (around 5PM). I was so nervous about leading worship at church I pulled some blunders in closing the store. I counted the money but left it in the register instead of putting it in the bank bag and in the safe….I don’t know what I was thinking. I also left the keys that operate the register still stuck in the register! I apologized to Cat. I told her I had a lot on my mind and wasn’t thinking straight. I told her it shouldn’t happen again. She wasn’t mad but I felt bad that I didn’t do it right. I got home with about 15 minutes to spare before leaving to go to church. I was so nervous I was nearly sick! I hate this feeling!! I guess it's good though cause it keeps me relying on God instead of myself. Worship went well by the way. It usually does. I'll be glad when I can trust God enough I don't get so worked up!!

Today was actually my first “official work day” at the scrapbook store. Today started what Cat calls “kids kamp”. She has some type of art project for the kids to do every week on Thursday all through the summer. “Graduation” is August 3rd. Today the kids made mini clipboards. Of course they don’t make the clipboard but decorate it. Some of the kids are young enough they need help. The class is 2-4PM each week and costs $15. I think it’s a great thing to offer them. Cat is also going to be expanding the store. The guy who had a shoe store next door got busted for selling drugs out of his store. Looks like Cat is going to get his additional space. She is so excited as that gives more room for product and more cropping space. She plans to have 16 – 6ft tables so each cropper can have their own table. That should be cool! She’s hoping to have it ready by the “sleigh ride of stores” which will be the second week in July. Not sure it will happen that fast. It would be great if it could be ready by then!

After the store closed it took Cat and I about 30 minutes to do the usual closing routine. I still had to go take care of Clyde and be back in town in time for a bible study I signed up for at church. It’s a Beth Moore Study called “A Heart Like His”. A study on King David. I didn’t realize when I chose to do this study that I would be working Thursdays at the store. Thursday will be long days for me for a couple of months as the study is 10 weeks! Hopefully though when Clyde gets his shoes on he can be released to the pasture again. Hope he isn’t a problem to catch. He’s being very skittish in the stall. Don’t know what’s up with that. Maybe he has “cabin fever”. He’s been stalled for three weeks!

Tomorrow all I have to do is go to work so maybe I can let my hair down just a little. I do have a luncheon date with the Elder’s wife…her name is Nancy. I have chosen to connect with her on a weekly basis as I want someone in my life to help me in my walk with the Lord. Someone who will challenge me, confront me when necessary, encourage and pray for me. She is very willing to do that and I’m very glad. I think this is the only way I’m going to progress in my walk with God.

As usual it’s late and I need to hit the hay! I’ll leave you with a couple of pics!

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