Friday, June 2, 2006

Friday, 02 June 2006

I finally sort of slowed down today. Went to lunch with Nancy. We decided to eat at Chili’s. They officially opened yesterday. We both had soup and salad. Food was good and so was the conversation. Sue came by for a few minutes to drop off tickets to the high school graduation. Her daughter graduated tonight.

After lunch I went to Tractor Supply to take back those bales of wood shavings I purchased before we knew we could use sand in Clyde’s stall. The store would only issue me store credit which was okay with me but the guy who was taking care of me was new at that process and had trouble getting that task accomplished for me. He called for help on the phone 4 times and finally asked someone to come up front. Then I needed to make a deposit at two different banks and stop by the post office to mail packages. I had three graduation cards to mail and three letters with pictures. Now these aren’t just letters they are actually printouts (2 months worth) of my Xanga to send to a great Aunt of mine who doesn’t do the computer and to my friend who is currently in training at a missions school in Cyprus. Only four stops to make that should have been simple in a town that only takes 10 minutes to get across and it took me an hour to do those four errands! Nancy and I didn’t get through having lunch until 2PM so it was 3pm by the time I got home.

Mom got off early today. Her boss told everyone to go home at 3:30PM today. She told him she had to have 8 hrs to make monthly expenses. He said “don’t worry, I’m paying ya!” So Mom came by to visit for about an hour. After she left I decided to “snooze” on the couch. Did that for about an hour then went up to check on Clyde. Curtis (my farrier) was supposed to shoe him today.

On the way to see Clyde I got to see a hawk sitting high atop a telephone pole. He was so beautiful and majestic. I just love to see hawk or deer, well any wildlife. I count it a blessing from the Lord because it delights my heart so much. It was a very nice gift of God to let me see him!

I get to the horses and Clyde is out. But I told Curtis he could turn him loose after he had shoes. I grab a bucket put a little feed in it to mix up the Bute, tote the iodine mixture I’m supposed to put on his feet and grab a halter and head down in the pasture where they are.

It was a beautiful sight to see Clyde grazing with the others like he’s supposed too! Now I don’t know why I thought Clyde would take his medicine with oats when he’s been deprived of fresh green grass for three weeks! He took one nibble and didn’t eat anymore! I went ahead and painted his soles with the lovely purple liquid getting it all over me of course. And being curious creatures that they are my other two were trying to get their noses in the bucket!! I turned Clyde loose and let him continue grazing and walked back to the truck.

Have a good one! 

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