Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Wednesday, 01 February 2006

Another week is almost over! The time just seems to be passing me like cars on the interstate and I’m in the slow lane! UGH. I don’t know what’s going on.

I thought I would give you an update on my grandmother. She is continuing to improve. They have her in “skilled care” in the hospital. In Texas I think they call that “swing bed”. I don’t really understand it but it has something to do with Medicare.

The community is still very shaken up over the recent death of a 16 yr old girl. Her passenger and friend “walked away” from the vehicle. I understand that she is having a hard time with the fact her friend died and she didn’t.  Viewing is tomorrow and the funeral is 10AM Friday. Kids who are attending the funeral will be given an excused absence. There is criteria they have to meet but it’s not necessary for me to go into it.

Doyle was at work today. Came home and had lunch. I was so sleepy I laid down for a bit. I then got up and went to the scrapbook store. Cat is in Vegas for a Scrapbook convention and my friend Kelly is manning the place. I worked on that Valentine book that I started in the class I took last week. I got four more pages down. It’s not a big book but there is lots of measuring and cutting. It just takes time. It just made me realize how bad I am with fractions! I don’t know how many pieces I’ve had to recut because I measured wrong! I’ll take pictures when I get through. It’s a little more fruffee (sp – don’t even know if it’s a word!) than I like but I thought it couldn’t hurt me to learn some new techniques and “think outside the box”!

I left the scrapbook store and went to the horses to feed them. I have to work at Drive Safe the next three nights because I had swapped to be off last weekend. It’s kind of tough when I have to work three in a row and they have extended my hours back to 10PM. I don’t like swapping but it can’t be helped sometimes. This swap will make me work two weekends in a row. Oh well, it doesn’t happen all the time. I’ll be glad though when I can lay this job down and get that part of my life back!

I wanted to share the last session of the Ladies Retreat with you 
  • It’s easier to control than confront.
  • You only have power to confront when you release control
  • You never confront without humility (how did Abigail confront David? She feel at his feet)
  • Do not confront until you have a heart of compassion for the one you need to confront.
  • Someone has to be the healer. Someone has to be the one to take the blame.
  • Don’t have a quick comeback and don’t try to defend yourself

Here's Perri (co-youth pastor with her husband and Pastor's daughter)showing off her many talents. As you can tell she's not be very serious!

Perri again with her guitar. Still not being serious! She also plays percussion and mandolin. She's an artist as well. Remember the characters in our children's rooms I posted pictures of? She painted them.

Here's me playing guitar Saturday night, Perri playing the drum and Karen (our pastor's wife) leading worship and playing keyboard. Thanks to Kelly for getting this pic for me.

L to R Mary Dunham Faulkner our speaker. Karen our pastor's wife, Perri behind her and Sherri Friend in the black T-shirt. Thanks to Kelly for getting this pic.


At the cross. This was called the vesper. A little amphitheater type area with a place to build a fire right in front of the cross beside the Paluxy River.

L to R Dru Sell, Irene Purcell, Sherri Friend and ME!


Hope ya'll enjoy!

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