Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Tremaine Dance Convention June 24-26

 Kennedy had the opportunity to attend a dance convention at the Gaylord in Grapevine June 24-26th. Vanessa invited me to go with them.

Lots of girls warming up 

Kennedy is in black with the beige knee brace.

Learning dance moves to "Love Shack".

Learning dance moves for "You gotta work for it" . This one was a little more complicated but I was amazed at how quickly all the girls remembered the moves! Kennedy is wearing a Blue shirt. She changed after lunch.

This one all the observers had to sit at the side as this time it was videoed.

June 25th (day 2) 

June 26th (last day)

All the students waiting to watch the teachers perform.

Kennedy with her new friend she made at the convention wearing black and her friend from dance class in blue.

Kennedy and her friend with her dance instructors.

It was a fun time. I'm glad I went.

Have a good one!

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