Monday, December 26, 2022

CCS Carols at Crazy Water 12-16-2022

Korin's school (Community Christian School - CCS) sang carols in the pavilion of the Crazy Water Hotel. I planned to record the whole thing but somewhere along the way I noticed I wasn't recording! Anyway there is enough. Korin is about in the middle

After singing the kids got to skate on the ice rink that was brought to Mineral Wells the weekend of Thanksgiving. 

The state-of-the-art synthetic ice skating rink will be located in Historic Downtown Mineral Wells in Poston Square from Nov 26th – Dec 23rd. 

Until Korin got the hang of it she used this aid.

Kashton had a little trouble staying upright in the beginning also.

Korin finally ditched the aid but isn't steady enough not to use the wall to help her stay up!

Kennedy except for a few bumps did really well.

Kennedy made it look easy.

Kashton showing off.

Mom joins the fun.

She's still got it!

They all had fun.

Have a good one!

1 comment:

  1. ❤️ the kids choir and how great that your town was able to bring in a skating rink for the holidays.
