we had rain 24 of them! With my fancy smancy weather station my dearly beloved bought me I recorded 12.5 inches of rain for May! There is still water standing in our backyard and in the pasture but with a break in the wet stuff, sunshine and mid 80's temps we're drying up a bit!
This is the front of the pasture. Doyle dug a trench to help with draining the water Monday.
This is the round pen.
Our backyard. This was taken on Friday, May 29th. The kids enjoyed stomping around in it!
Kennedy found a little frog while we were outside playing. There are actually LOTS of little frogs.
All this rain has put a damper on my bike riding too! I finally did ride today. It had been two weeks since I rode last. Part of the trail is still closed.
I think you can see how the trail isn't smooth. It's almost like an old wash board (nobody young is going to know what that is!) where water came out of the ditches leaving grooves
You can see a little better here how the trail has lost a layer or two.
There was still plenty of beauty to take my mind off the trail!
I just love these cactus blooms. That little dark spot you see tucked between the pedals is a bug!
Aren't these beauties!
Then I found these peachy almost orange colored ones! Most of the time they are yellow.
Just a mixture of Thistle blooms and Fire Wheels.
More Horse Mint.
Thistles were thick along one leg of the trail.
The red flowers are called "Texas Plume". They are so pretty especially when there are many of them. The white ones that look a little like daisies are called "Prairie Fleabane". It was a good ride even if I took time to "smell the flowers"!
Have a good one!
Beautiful flower photos! We are finally drying up some too. Still too wet in some places to mow and the grass (weeds) are really tall!
ReplyDeleteThank you Sandy! Most unusual summer so far. Was hoping we could skip the heat too but doesn't look like it :(