Doris put Kennedy to work helping with the preparations.
Appetizers while waiting for lunch.
Buttering the rolls just like her Mom used to.
This little jewel held the mac and cheese Doris made for the kids.
Doyle's birthday is the 1st of December. Since the family was already together Doris provided party hats and a cake to celebrate. Kennedy was pleased to bring Granddad his cake which was a creamed filled pumpkin bread roll. It was yummy!
The birthday boy! He is such a good sport!
Daddy and Korin. She is 2 months old.
Kashton and Granddad. Kashton is 20 months.
Vanessa says Kashton wears his sister's headbands like this all the time!
Uncle Dorin making friends with Kashton. He now has a buddy for life!
Mommy and Korin
Doris or as the kids know her "Aunt D" had lots of things for the kids to play with including this fun "Santa" face!
Kashton loved wearing the birthday hat. How can you resist this face?!
Beautiful Korin's first Thanksgiving!
Kashton and Mommy.
Aunt D had another project for Kennedy. Decorate her gingerbread house.
Kennedy had great fun doing this!
Aunt D helping out.
Kennedy with her decorated gingerbread house.
After Uncle Dorin played with Kashton he became his shadow.
Sometime while briefly unattended, Kashton helped himself to the candies Kennedy used to decorate the gingerbread house. We should have known better than to leave it on his level. He came toddling into the kitchen and this is what I saw!
I took my fingers and poked both sides of his cheeks and this came tumbling out like a vending machine!
We all had a good laugh and moved the Gingerbread house to a higher level!
After lunch I gathered everyone up to get some family photos. I am not a very good photographer when it comes to people. The sun was too bright. everyone was squinting even though I was not having them look into the sun. I couldn't do anything about Dorin's glasses as they are the kind that darker when he's outside. But at least we have a picture of the Light siblings.
Doris, Bekah, Matthew and Molly.
The Bailey's. Vanessa, Korin (2 months) Kashton (20 months), Kennedy 4 yrs (11mos) and Keannon.
The whole gang.
After pictures some of us went to a nearby school to let the little kids and big kids play!
You can just see Kennedy's legs but she is walking Aunt D's dog Molly. She is in front of her Daddy and John is walking with them.
The boys played a little catch while Aunt D, me and the kids went to the playground.
jumping on the moving bridge.
We get back from the playground in time for the game. Aunt D had another project for Miss Kennedy. Putting icing on pretzel sticks and covering with sprinkles and melted chocolate. Not only is it yummy but it was fun!
Last step....the melted chocolate.
Well, that wraps up on to Christmas!
Have a good one!
Looks like a wonderful family celebration--Thanksgiving, a birthday and the start of the Christmas season! Enjoyed reading about it!
ReplyDeleteThank you Sandy!