Tuesday while having lunch with a friend Kennedy calls me. Keannon and Vanessa got a land line phone recently and put my number on speed dial so now Kennedy calls me when she wants too. She said that Daddy got hers and Remi's bed he was building in their room for me to come see. If you remember I posted a picture of the very early stages in a blog dated May 15th (you can see it
here). Doyle helped Keannon get started but Keannon has done most of the work.
A side view of the end where the stairs will go.
Still some assembling . The rail on top is to keep the girls from rolling off the bed.
I finish up lunch, say my goodbyes and head to see the girls bed in their room. When I arrive they are just beside themselves with excitement! As you can see it's not finished. Keannon has a little more to do but it's done enough the girls can enjoy it while Remi is here.
This bed is WELL built! It is stout! The bed is queen size! I told Kennedy now I can come spend the night with her! She was all for it and wanted me to do it right now! LOL!
Remi is on the stairs to access the bed. Kashton loves it too!
While I was there storms started brewing. I decided to head home before they hit as I had some things to do here. This is coming down the hill from where the kids live.
Once home the clouds got even more spooky and angry looking! This is a view looking to the West.
We were never in a tornado watch but the clouds did bear worth watching. Doyle had called me out to look as he was seeing some characteristics of the potential for formation.

It finally began to rain and rain hard. This weather station is what Doyle gave me for my birthday. Seems appropriate doesn't it. Notice what it says at the bottom right of the screen? "It's Raining Cat's N Dogs"! Cracked me up!
As threatening as the clouds looked they only dropped 4 tenths of an inch but hey, I'm not complaining!
When I went to feed tonight I was pleasantly surprised by a deer sighting! Two doe. I had my SLR Camera with me but it was in the back seat. I was afraid to move after I pulled up for fear the slightest noise would send them scampering. Well, one did run off but the other stood there. This picture isn't very good as I took it with my phone and zoomed in.
Saw this lone sunflower which made me smile!
I also saw this weed blooming in the pasture.
End of the day. You can still see water standing in the curb of the street.
Have a good one!