Friday, June 14, 2024


 I had a sunflower sprout in my flower bed. I didn't plant it. I think a bird carried seed from the backyard feeder and dropped it. It is HUGE!

Sunflowers just make me smile!

Saw this beauty land on the sunflower.

Have a good one!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Piano Recital 060224

All three of the grands are taking piano lessons and this grandmother couldn't be more proud!

This is Kashton's first piano recital. He started lessons about 8 months ago.

Click here to watch Kennedy's performance. Kennedy started piano lessons the same time as Kashton.

Click here to watch Korin's performance. Korin has been taking lessons the longest. About 2 1/2 years.

Have a good one!

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Doyle Honored 052124

 There has been much controversy over decisions the city council of Mineral Wells has made concerning water for the future of our city. There is a radical conservative group that received funding from outside our county to try to recall 3 of our city council and backed candidates for the seats that were up for re-election. The good news is the city council for the most part remained intact. The only one who didn't survive is Doyle. He had one more year left to finish his term. Many including Doyle and I were disappointed. We both felt he had more to do. However we both knew that God had something else for him we just didn't know what. He plans to serve the city in some form or fashion.

The City Council wanted to present Doyle with a plaque and asked him to attend the scheduled meeting to receive it.

Mayor Regan Johnson presents Doyle with the plaque thanking him for his service from May 2017-May 2024.

Click here to hear Doyle's speech two weeks before.

Click here to hear parting words from his fellow council members as he leaves office.

Have a good one!

Saturday, June 8, 2024

In Field Home Run

 Kashton's game May 20th, he got an in field home run.

Good hit and a good catch!

Have a good one!

Friday, June 7, 2024

Dance Recital 051124

 Kennedy and Korin were both in dance recital. Kennedy had a knee injury that prevented her from
dancing in competition but she was better enough to perform in the recital.

Korin is on the second row.

It was really hard to get pictures during this performance because of low lighting.

Kennedy's knee brace is very obvious in this routine.

Another great performance by all the girls.

Have a good one!

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Marked Conference "Unshakeable" 050324

I attended a women's conference with Vanessa at the church she attends May 3rd and 4th.

Lots of women who love Jesus in a room together!

Just a sampling of worship.

We had a great time! I think we will make this a tradition.

Have a good one!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Base Hit 042724

Another of Kashton's games. The ball being thrown to him.

He catches to ball.

And gets the runner out.

Kashton at bat.

Have a good one!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Great Loss 052424

I don’t know if I can adequately express what this man (Kirk Horton) has meant to me. Although he is only 6 years older than me, he was like a father in my life.

It was watching him walk out his life with Jesus that caused me to believe I could do it too. He was honest, authentic, vulnerable. He encouraged, challenged and prayed for me. He believed in me more than I believed in myself. 

He was my Pastor first. I had been a member of Well of Life Church for 9 years when he asked me to consider being the church’s secretary. I said “yes”. That was almost 25 years ago. I worked alongside him 5 days a week until the last few years when he started taking one day off a week. Then he would not come in as often or stay as long. I knew there might come a day that he would turn things over to someone else. I even thought we might “retire” at the same time but I was not prepared for a complete exit! 

Pastor Kirk died last Friday.  I saw him on Thursday. He did usually come into the office on Thursdays because a group of pastors pray at the office every Thursday.  The family says he had a great day Thursday. He prayed with the pastors. He played golf with his family. He evidently had a heart attack sometime after 6. 

Kennedy and Korin had spent the night. Vanessa and Kashton had gone to where Keannon was writing claims for storm damage. Kennedy had a babysitting job 7:30am-3pm on Friday and Korin had a friend's birthday party.

Karen (Kirk's wife) called Doyle at 6:50am.  It woke us both up. I hear some of the conversation but not all. After the call, Doyle tells me it was Karen and that paramedics were doing CPR but that Jack (a member of our church) was gone. I start praying for his wife Amy. I go wake up Kennedy. I take her to where she's supposed to be for the day. I get almost home when Doyle calls me to see how close I am. When I get home I come in the house and he meets me then walks to the kitchen indicating I follow him as Korin is still asleep in the living room.

I figure he is going to give me more details regarding Jack. Once we're in the kitchen he has the strangest look on his face. He says "I don't know how I heard what Karen said wrong but it's not Jack, it's Kirk." I am in shock and disbelief. "No, it can't be him!" 

As I try to process the news I realize I need to tell Vanessa. Doyle gets a call. I try to call Vanessa and get voicemail. I learn later she called Doyle because she heard the news already. I still need to feed Fancy and get to the office to make more calls. Vanessa arranges for a friend to pickup Korin and get Kennedy later.

The other Elder comes to the office and between he, Doyle and I, we begin the task of calling members as well as different ministry leaders we are connected to. Word is spreading faster than a wild fire as we are scrambling to get people contacted before it appears on social media or they hear from another source. Unfortunately we were not successful in that endeavor with everyone.

One of our worship leaders and husband opened the church on Friday and Saturday offering a place to worship and pray.

Sunday was our first service without Kirk. Doyle brought the message and I led worship. We had a full house! Another small congregation joined us, the one that Well of Life was birthed out of 35 years ago. several other people from out of town came as well.

Not only was Kirk pastor of a church, he was a prominent community leader. He was an investor in the Crazy Water Hotel, part owner of Eventide Water Company and owner of the local golf course. He also served on many boards. He was board president and one of the founders of Community Christian School (our local private school).

He has money but he never acted like it. He was very down to earth and generous.

I didn't think I had any pictures of us together but a friend from church sent me this one. He was praying for me. I think this was taken in 2023.

Being in the office will not be the same. Being at church will not be the same. But…I will honor him but continuing to radically follow Jesus with all my heart, soul, mind and spirit. That was the example he set for me and many others. I know he’s proud of me (he’s told me numerous times) and I will continue to make him proud.

Have a good one.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Baseball 040624

Jesse's Drive In sponsored the team Kashton was on.

He got a hit but the ball isn't in the picture.

Have a good one!