conference at our church the 4 days prior to when Vanessa wanted to leave. There was too much administrative stuff to take care of to wait a week to do. It was also not that long since I had another bout of diverticulitis and didn't think it was a good idea.
Kennedy didn't go either as she had an opportunity to go to camp.
I am going to try to go in the next couple of months and hope to bring Kennedy with me. I'm working out the details with her mom. It will most likely be in October or November.
Camp was the August 1-7.
Kennedy is in the pink shirt
Kennedy is in the middle of this pic in turquoise.
Pine Cove is a very prestigious Christian youth camp. I was excited that she was able to go. She knew a few kids that went but they were not in her group. She didn't know any of these girls. I was proud of her! She had a wonderful time and wants to go back next year.
Have a good one!